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What are the economic theories called that are being touted by the Republican Party? Are these the same for the Democratic Party?
Asked by DaphneT | 36 responses -
Is economic crash a necessary feature of a pandemic?
Asked by Soubresaut | 11 responses -
Was the US effort in World War II government spending?
Asked by ETpro | 29 responses -
Is an Obama presidency financially feasible?
Asked by skwerl88 | 31 responses -
How are energy prices affecting you?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
Do people tend to become more conservative as they age? If so, why?
Asked by wundayatta | 57 responses -
How would cryptocurrencies change society?
Asked by phoebusg | 8 responses -
How many of you think that veterinary care is too expenisve?
Asked by syz | 31 responses -
Would it be possible to have a viable economic model that was not contigent on consumer spending? What would it look like?
Asked by rojo | 11 responses -
During a drug bust how do the police assess how much drugs and weapons are worth?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
How low do taxes need to be before trickle down begins to work?
Asked by bolwerk | 14 responses -
Is the American middle class radically shrinking?
Asked by NormanL | 11 responses -
Seriously though, when are we going to sort this World out and how are We going to do it?
Asked by lloydbird | 30 responses -
What are some good books would you recommend to help Americans get up to speed on economics?
Asked by Zuma | 39 responses -
Do those who want to be billionaires without contributing to society unconsciously want people to be their slaves?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
You are a market analyst specializing in the oil industry and have been asked to forecast the likely price of oil in 2012.
Asked by bhars | 10 responses -
Which jobs have no future?
Asked by Smashley | 31 responses -
Why is women's clothing sizing so arbitrary?
Asked by lilikoi | 10 responses -
Is price gouging unethical?
Asked by LostInParadise | 12 responses -
Why is California bankrupt?
Asked by Blondy | 28 responses -
Are you in favor of a minimum wage increase?
Asked by cinnamonk | 23 responses -
How did the United States end up owing so much money to the rest of the world?
Asked by Ladymia69 | 39 responses -
Why is haute fashion so stupid looking?
Asked by timothykinney | 35 responses -
Do you shop at dollar stores?
Asked by Demosthenes | 13 responses -
Dear Democrats: Why do you think $15 is the perfect number for the minimum wage?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 38 responses