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Why do some recovering drug addicts become religious addicts?
Asked by essieness | 71 responses -
Your Song?
Asked by mjchatter | 22 responses -
Have you seen this article written by Riann Wilson?
Asked by fireside | 1 response -
Why do people thank god in a tragedy?
Asked by elijah from iPhone | 37 responses -
Are interfaith dialogues, via events and organizations, effective in bringing people of different faiths closer together in harmony, understanding and mutual respect?
Asked by Siren | 31 responses -
When something good happens to you or when everything is going good in your life, how do you deal with feelings of uncertainty?
Asked by joni1977 | 15 responses -
What can't ever a Nazi torturer take away from an atheist, what can't he never take away from a theist(faithful)?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 137 responses -
Have you given any thought to what kind of an old person you want to be?
Asked by Judi | 54 responses -
Which is truer? The more you give- the more your needs are met. OR The more you meet your needs first- the more you can give.
Asked by Ort | 16 responses -
What is Christianity all about?
Asked by Zuma | 46 responses -
What are your views of Pontius Pilate?
Asked by GAMBIT | 15 responses -
What does the word patriotism mean to you, on a personal level?
Asked by Siren | 14 responses -
Is it true "only the good die young" and if so, would you rather be good or live a lonnnnnng life?
Asked by Siren | 45 responses -
To those who don't believe in a god: Do you use phrases that refer to a deity?
Asked by shadling21 | 82 responses -
Do you trust life?
Asked by Trustinglife | 45 responses -
Do you discuss religion with strangers in real life?
Asked by shadling21 | 46 responses -
"God made man in his own image"...what is God's Image?
Asked by grimacebingers | 64 responses -
Are you superstitious?
Asked by deaddolly | 58 responses -
Is there any other reason, besides faith, to believe in the bible?
Asked by Noon | 64 responses -
What is you faith?
Asked by NecroKing | 62 responses -
What was it that made you first start to think about saving the world?
Asked by wundayatta | 12 responses -
Does anyone else get so overwhelmed they panic when thinking about what happens after we die?
Asked by poofandmook | 27 responses -
Where did the term "God fearing Christian" come from ?
Asked by Adina1968 | 12 responses -
Infinite Regression or Levitating Super Turtle?
Asked by shrubbery | 30 responses -
Do you think life is basically good?
Asked by Trustinglife from iPhone | 21 responses