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What's the meaning of life in your personal opinion?
Asked by kidvisionary | 35 responses -
Has anyone else hit rock bottom in life?
Asked by StrongH3art | 45 responses -
Would proof of alien lifeforms prove most religions are not legitimate ?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 68 responses -
Have you lost faith in humanity?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 36 responses -
Do you think people with specific beliefs owe an explanation to others?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 29 responses -
Question of Believers, Why do you still believe in God when..?
Asked by idream3r | 25 responses -
How many of you do NOT believe in Jesus Christ?
Asked by MooCows | 64 responses -
GM is having a banner year, post government bailout and chapter 11 filing, and announced a $9 billion stock buy back program. Why don't they buy back some of the pre-bailout GM stocks that became worthless?
Asked by ibstubro | 3 responses -
(Sensitive Subject) What motivates you to be religious...what pushes you away from your faith?
Asked by Cruiser | 41 responses -
If someone of a different faith/religious beliefs asked you to pray with them, what would you do?
Asked by rockfan | 19 responses -
Do gay people expect the state or the feds to force congregations to marry same-sex couples against their faith beliefs?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 66 responses -
How often do you challenge your own beliefs and convictions?
Asked by rockfan | 130 responses -
What is beyond your ability by a smidge?
Asked by talljasperman | 10 responses -
Why do people say it's God when prayers are answered and if it's not then it's a plan?
Asked by chelle21689 | 33 responses -
Why is the second coming important in Christianity?
Asked by 2TFX | 16 responses -
Is the existence of a God merely one of many ideas humans are bound to have-?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 24 responses -
How does one even have faith?
Asked by spykenij | 15 responses -
Are there downsides to being an agnostic or atheist in terms of being able to cope with life's problems and realities like death?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 34 responses -
Has anyone heard of atheist groups protesting the National Day of Prayer, which is today?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 66 responses -
Christianity and church attendance?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 20 responses -
Why do muslims say or write "Praise be upon him" in referring to Mohammad?
Asked by 2TFX | 9 responses -
Why are images of the Prophet Mohammed forbidden?
Asked by 2TFX | 12 responses -
What makes you lose faith in humanity?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 13 responses -
How do I save my mom's faith?
Asked by 50ShadesOfNope | 13 responses -
Why do so many scientists and evolutionists lie so much to support their cause?
Asked by DWW25921 | 246 responses