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Why are teachers, teaching our kids to spy on their parents?
Asked by Rangie | 43 responses -
Why can't we the people have more input in our government, other than every 4 years?
Asked by Rangie | 23 responses -
Are you a sheep, sheepdog, or wolf?
Asked by kevbo | 35 responses -
Can freedom be gained by giving up?
Asked by talljasperman | 17 responses -
How does right and wrong play or not play into your opinions and decision making?
Asked by liminal | 25 responses -
(SPOILER ALERT) How could you extricate yourself from a gangster lair where you just shot everyone giving you trouble without being asked a million questions by the police?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 8 responses -
Z-Day, do you already know about it? If yes, will you be going to an event? Why?
Asked by phoebusg | 18 responses -
Which country is the greatest threat to freedom in the world?
Asked by HungryGuy | 108 responses -
Would you trade your freedom for security?
Asked by stump | 75 responses -
Do you consider yourself free?
Asked by stump | 55 responses -
Does a free country have to be at war constantly in order to stay free?
Asked by stump | 64 responses -
Is it possible to live in a developed country without money?
Asked by KasperPrip | 32 responses -
What's a "Paid Protester"?
Asked by Hydrogenbond | 13 responses -
How much money do you prefer to keep in your wallet?
Asked by Trustinglife | 51 responses -
What would happen to society, the Arts or any area of life if it was acceptable for people to spell any way or direction they desired?
Asked by Spinel | 11 responses -
Has the U.S. become an official corporately owned country?
Asked by Ron_C | 61 responses -
What do adults mean when they say they are not allowed to do something?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 36 responses -
Abortion. Can it be defended by reason, ethically?
Asked by DrMC | 237 responses -
Do you want to spend the rest of your life staring at a box?
Asked by windex | 19 responses -
How do you feel about america's early westward expansion and war with the natives?
Asked by NKH12 | 46 responses -
How can we stop socialism? The buck can't just stop at healthcare. Police, fire departments, public transportation, and public schools are all deeply entrenched socialist institutions.
Asked by bolwerk | 30 responses -
What do you think about the "Philosophy of Liberty"?
Asked by jackm | 19 responses -
Now that Dragon has issued a voice to text application, can it be used to post on Fluther?
Asked by Buttonstc from iPhone | 3 responses -
Do you think the the banning of minarets in Switzerland violates the countries obligations to freedom of religious expression?
Asked by RareDenver | 41 responses -
Do you think anything like Woodstock or the 1963 march on Washington will ever happen again?
Asked by deni | 19 responses