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If the federal government can force someone to purchase health insurance based on citizenship, then why can’t state lawmakers force their citizens to purchase a firearm?
Asked by bkcunningham | 54 responses -
A Federal District Court Judge in Florida has ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is unconstitutional. What are your thoughts?
Asked by bkcunningham | 125 responses -
Do you believe Obama and the US will back the Egyptian people or their Government?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 12 responses -
I don't want to hurt my parents, but I need to leave at 18.Does this seem like the right choice?
Asked by fightforfreedom | 11 responses -
When someone says, "I want my country back!" What is that code for?
Asked by wundayatta | 62 responses -
Should there be a world police to oust dictators who unlawfully cling to power?
Asked by noly | 79 responses -
Personal bankrupcy: Worst decision ever or best thing you could've done.
Asked by Tanlander | 14 responses -
What is wrong with what Wikileaks did/is doing?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 33 responses -
Does the cutting off of service to Wikileaks by its NH service provider, EveryDNS, not go against the state's motto "Live Free Or Die" and the very core of American political philosophy?
Asked by anartist | 33 responses -
Do you know where your beliefs came from?
Asked by Soubresaut | 22 responses -
Should there be free speech on Social Networking sites?
Asked by Mat74UK | 49 responses -
Is the Internet the wild west?
Asked by Go | 11 responses -
Does the idea of "personal accountability" sometimes cause more harm than good?
Asked by iamthemob | 27 responses -
After 15 years of house arrest, what would you do on your first day of freedom?
Asked by ETpro | 28 responses -
What, exactly, is socialism, and what are the advantages/disavantages of introducing it into the USA?
Asked by CaptainHarley | 36 responses -
Are we truly free?
Asked by daytonamisticrip | 24 responses -
Should there be a limit to nonconformism?
Asked by weeveeship | 18 responses -
Internet Blacklisting; yes or no?
Asked by Foolaholic | 16 responses -
How to convince parents that I don't want to get married?
Asked by rmukherjee | 12 responses -
What the heck do politicians mean when they talk about "going forward" or "going backward".
Asked by josie | 7 responses -
My younger brother is planning to walk out?
Asked by ssarti | 28 responses -
Regarding burn a koran day, I have a proposition, what do you think of it?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 56 responses -
What do you think about the fact that America has, basically, a 'secret police' ever since the Dept. of Homeland Security was established in Nov. of 2002?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 12 responses -
Where do parrots go when they escape?
Asked by josie | 25 responses -
How free is your freedom of speech?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 38 responses