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What do you do if you just can't get over someone and would do anything to get her back?
Asked by wolfy | 16 responses -
Why do some women date complete jerks and come back to you when they're heartbroken?
Asked by StarlessNight | 12 responses -
Being rude or just minding my own business?
Asked by StarlessNight | 7 responses -
What attracts a women? Generally speaking.
Asked by StarlessNight | 27 responses -
I'm about to be friend zoned by my crush. What do I do? Should I ignore my friend and my crush dating all together?
Asked by StarlessNight | 20 responses -
[NSFW] Should I talk to my mom about this?
Asked by Carinaponcho from iPhone | 30 responses -
Would you ever have a snowball fight with your partner?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 25 responses -
Let's say you have a 22 year old son and he has chosen to introduce you to his 22-23 year old girlfriend. What do you expect from her?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 31 responses -
How Does Boy Convince Girl She Loves Him as Much as He Loves Her?
Asked by Paradox1 | 23 responses -
Oscar Pistorius arrested for fatal shooting of his girlfriend: How much trauma can one guy take?
Asked by ucme | 41 responses -
Did I mess up Valentines Day?
Asked by lici92 | 20 responses -
I have a crush on a girl, but I can't show it because of my job?
Asked by youth | 14 responses -
I don't know how to go about dealing with this - any help?
Asked by lightsourcetrickster | 51 responses -
Anniversary day is day before V-day. What do I do?
Asked by seekingwolf | 21 responses -
Help! First anniversary kinda important could do with some help.
Asked by lightsourcetrickster | 6 responses -
If a guy sets a date with you a week in advance, does that mean he is into you?
Asked by partyrock | 25 responses -
Help with relationship issue?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 18 responses -
I had a sexual dream, what does it mean?
Asked by dimitri685 | 15 responses -
What ringtone do you have for your significant other?
Asked by Tachys | 22 responses -
Did you ever make out with a boy/girlfriend in your parents house (see details)
Asked by wundayatta | 32 responses -
Occasionally we have small disconnects in communication that result in unnecessary hostility... Is this worth breaking up over?
Asked by KDC | 26 responses -
Confused about my sexuality?
Asked by fueledbyramen | 13 responses -
Well, how do you suggest I get a little revenge on my cheating girlfriend?
Asked by Zalagad | 53 responses -
When's the last time you happened to find an old cd with a song that hasn't crossed your mind in a while but now you have it on repeat? What is the song?
Asked by christos99 | 16 responses -
Girlfriend is attending so many summer camps. It's irritating me.
Asked by robotmonkeyarm from iPhone | 30 responses