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Is it okay for the girl to ask the guy out for Valentine's Day?
Asked by SamIAm | 20 responses -
Mind telling me a little bit about your first girlfriend?(detail inside).
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 8 responses -
Should I tell his girlfriend he took advantage of me?
Asked by AmberM88 | 62 responses -
Advice for what do about my crush?
Asked by Joker94 | 9 responses -
Should I just nut up and ask her out already?
Asked by Joker94 | 26 responses -
If you and your significant other live together, do you assign duties or take it one day at a time?
Asked by erichw1504 | 22 responses -
How can I ask a girl out when I don't even know her name? Should I?
Asked by XxSHYxxGUYxX | 15 responses -
What have you done to make yourself undesirable to someone whose interest you didn't return?
Asked by 6rant6 | 21 responses -
Do you try to recover communication with someone where your relationship ended badly?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
Funny songs to let you know the girlfriend is calling?
Asked by FishGutsDale | 14 responses -
Girls,what kind of a guy do you like?
Asked by gamefu91 | 50 responses -
What does it mean to dream of your crush's girlfriend?
Asked by LunarEclipse663 | 7 responses -
What kind of boy trouble have you gone through with your daughter?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
Would you classify this as cheating? and what would you do?
Asked by shoebox | 32 responses -
How can I make things right in a relationship?
Asked by intro24 | 15 responses -
How to deal with my fiance's ex girlfriend?
Asked by shoebox | 31 responses -
Is it ok to ask my fiance about his past relationships and why do I feel this way?
Asked by shoebox | 24 responses -
What was your first relationship like?
Asked by nailpolishfanatic | 52 responses -
What's the most hurtful thing your boyfriend or girlfriend has done?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 27 responses -
BF/GF IN TROUBLE!!! Is there a beach in Indiana that is aprox 2 hrs from Berwyn, IL? If you don't know, do you know how to find out?
Asked by pikipupiba | 25 responses -
What should I get my girlfriend for her 21st birthday?
Asked by syntak | 24 responses -
How do I forget things?
Asked by PsychoticDiscoMonkey | 8 responses -
What should I do? I have a crush on my ex's friend, but he has a girlfriend...?
Asked by ronski | 29 responses -
Why is it hard to Believe Love ??? Why Don't I Believe him ?
Asked by Scarlett | 30 responses -
What is the key to make a relationship work?
Asked by mary84 | 24 responses