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Does it bother you when the gymnasts wear heavy make-up?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 61 responses -
How does one choose a haircut?
Asked by Seek | 89 responses -
Why does it feel like my boss is afraid to be alone with me?
Asked by Heather13 | 32 responses -
Does it seem like he may be burying his feelings in his new relationship?
Asked by Heather13 | 12 responses -
Why would she suddenly not reply?
Asked by mattyhewson | 7 responses -
Why do some people get upset if you accidentally use the wrong pronoun to identify their child?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 22 responses -
Girls, what are the most attractive features on a guy?
Asked by mattyhewson | 14 responses -
Have you ever thought you were not good enough for someone?
Asked by th3dream3r | 12 responses -
Why does this girl always look at my mouth?
Asked by mattyhewson | 22 responses -
What are your top 5 biggest regrets in life?
Asked by th3dream3r | 9 responses -
Does this girl still like me?
Asked by mattyhewson | 11 responses -
Is A Guy Interested In A Girl If He Checks Her Out Or Looks At Her From Head To Toe?
Asked by yukie | 15 responses -
Can I ask a few questions about women?
Asked by th3dream3r | 13 responses -
Why doesn't my boyfriend give me his active whatsapp account phone number?
Asked by pami16 | 38 responses -
Can whey protein plump your legs and butt?
Asked by cecilia09 | 3 responses -
How should I proceed with this guy at work?
Asked by Heather13 | 11 responses -
How do I get over insane loneliness - its a major problem?
Asked by ConfusedFrank | 12 responses -
Does anyone want to help me improving my english (german)
Asked by loveschocolate | 10 responses -
Dating gaffe. Have a laugh at my expense, plus WWYD?
Asked by kevbo | 26 responses -
Ladies: Does it bother you when someone of any gender refers to you as "a girl" or calls you something like "sweetheart?"?
Asked by jca | 33 responses -
Apparently, gender reveal parties are the new thing. Thoughts?
Asked by JackofHearts from iPhone | 32 responses -
How to get fit for a busy teen?
Asked by Bayjo98241 | 13 responses -
A girl showed me her panties and gave me a wink. Did she do that for me to see?
Asked by JOHNSWEETZ101 | 16 responses -
Could it just be stress?
Asked by Krazy | 10 responses -
Do gay guys understand guys better than girls?
Asked by ZoeDecker from iPhone | 9 responses