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How do I apologize to a girl who doesn't want to talk to me?
Asked by speedspine | 29 responses -
How do you get a guy to ask you out?
Asked by Girl97 | 13 responses -
What type of gal is good for me?
Asked by anonymous_dude | 15 responses -
Are there any more videos of dotchan other than the well-known one?
Asked by mineown | 1 response -
What ordinary first and last names should never be paired together?
Asked by ETpro | 87 responses -
Fluther parents, please tell me that you don't lock your kids in a "gender box"?
Asked by syz | 23 responses -
What do I get my girlfriend for Christmas?
Asked by Kobe221 | 16 responses -
What if you did your best to have a relationship and nothing seems to work out?
Asked by smryna | 19 responses -
Why do some dance companies (and dance moms) dress the little girls up like miniature hookers?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 25 responses -
What should I do next?
Asked by Dedusly | 13 responses -
Why do they hate on me?
Asked by BerlinRose from iPhone | 22 responses -
Why doesn't my crush text me back?
Asked by Ghostr1d3r1 from iPhone | 10 responses -
I found the guy I like making out with one of my best friends. Help?
Asked by 15barcam | 18 responses -
I can't tell what this girl is trying to say?
Asked by highschoolfreshman1234 | 9 responses -
Ladies: would you say most things you have done against your better judgement was because of a man's influence?
Asked by JLeslie | 16 responses -
Guys and girls: What do find attractive in the opposite sex, (or same sex if that's what you prefer)
Asked by 15barcam | 17 responses -
What is a good birthday present for a girl who just turned 9?
Asked by jca | 16 responses -
Is bloating, frequent urinating signs before your period is here?
Asked by kimchi | 14 responses -
Why is my period late?
Asked by kimchi | 20 responses -
What is happening to my body? (nsfw)
Asked by nailpolishfanatic | 9 responses -
How do you get a guy to chase you?
Asked by Girl97 from iPhone | 24 responses -
Why do young girls go on social networking sites and lie about who they are, how old they are, etc?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 9 responses -
How do you have an awesome party?
Asked by Girl97 from iPhone | 14 responses -
What does it mean when someone says "you too much"?
Asked by Valenzcia18 from iPhone | 15 responses -
Can a guy really get a girl if she doesn't show strong attraction?
Asked by Eggie | 36 responses