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If a doctor goes on strike are they breaking the hippocratic oath?
Asked by RareDenver from iPhone | 8 responses -
Is this how America sees its Senior Citizens?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 11 responses -
How does Monsanto do it?
Asked by syz | 36 responses -
Do you think that the "Conservatives" who are now clearly in control of the Republican Party have their roots in the 'old south' attitudes?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 23 responses -
Is Democracy the best system of government?
Asked by Ibrooker | 30 responses -
Do any cities have mandatory composting programs?
Asked by Acrylic | 27 responses -
Opinions: What do you think of the Feds protecting white-collar criminals? (See article)
Asked by jerv | 49 responses -
Is it okay to deliver the book in person rather than USPS?
Asked by chelle21689 | 15 responses -
What is going on with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control)?
Asked by jca | 51 responses -
How do I find internship opportunities in the local, state, and/or national governments?
Asked by Fly | 7 responses -
Should there be a limit on how many times a person can get remarried? If so, how many and why? If not, why?
Asked by prolificus from iPhone | 48 responses -
What do you think of the Human-Animal Hybrid Protection Act?
Asked by fundevogel | 16 responses -
Should doctors be able to question about guns at home?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 68 responses -
Are artists really as powerful as Arthur O'Shaughnessy makes them seem in his poem Ode?
Asked by SaganRitual | 5 responses -
Should we get the economy back up and running even if it means more people will die of COVID-19?
Asked by Demosthenes | 56 responses -
What is your opinion of Attorney General William Barr's resignation?
Asked by jca2 | 7 responses -
What's the chain of command for death of the president?
Asked by TheKitchenSink | 9 responses -
Is there some sort of cycle of people turning liberal to conservative?
Asked by Siblinings | 24 responses -
Are the laws being made today going too far?
Asked by anothermember | 8 responses -
Have you read about the Chilcot report on the legality of the UK's involvement in the Iraq war?
Asked by Stinley from iPhone | 24 responses -
Does Putin only have yes-men for advisors, or does he have staff that give contrary opinions?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 24 responses -
What, if anything, do you think the US government should do about the Israel/Gaza conflict?
Asked by jca2 | 55 responses -
Is the US media to deferential toward all politicians in general and Trump in particular?
Asked by rojo | 44 responses -
In looking at the situation in Iraq, are we seeing a precursor of things to come in Afghanistan?
Asked by rojo | 12 responses -
How would you create a password that could not be recovered via "human" engineering?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses