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In what ways do you trust your government?
Asked by Rarebear | 28 responses -
Are Republicans just going to make accusations of fraud in every election now?
Asked by Demosthenes | 17 responses -
What incentive is there for the best and brightest to run for public office?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 6 responses -
Three headshots. Three dead pirates. One rescued Captain. Good or bad?
Asked by Poser | 192 responses -
Couple doesn't pay $75 fire protection fee. Should the fire department from a nearby city helped them anyway?
Asked by phaedryx | 91 responses -
So what do you think of the spending cuts?
Asked by choreplay | 33 responses -
Examples of unneeded intrusions of privacy that the United States impose on it's citizens?
Asked by ro_bot | 21 responses -
Effective or not, was it legal for local authorities to impose de facto martial law on the city of Boston while searching for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?
Asked by josie | 9 responses -
Does the existence of QAnon prove that Libertarianism is fatally flawed?
Asked by Kraigmo | 11 responses -
What is the correct term for a collection of a**-kissers?
Asked by rojo | 21 responses -
What are the implications of the new financial legislation for well-run companies such as this one?
Asked by CaptainHarley | 11 responses -
How do you think the government should respond to Wikileaks?
Asked by xxii | 17 responses -
Do any secret societies rule the world?
Asked by noly | 26 responses -
What are your thoughts on the Uber situation?
Asked by dxs | 8 responses -
Does Obamacare force parental retiree healthcare plans to cover children?
Asked by seekingwolf | 13 responses -
Have we become a communist nation?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 21 responses -
What is the difference between the government's leaders?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 2 responses -
Should the government have a say in what we name our children no matter how crazy?
Asked by chelle21689 | 53 responses -
Is accelarated depopulation a reality?
Asked by Berserker | 23 responses -
How many people do you know who could not live without their social security check?
Asked by JLeslie | 21 responses -
what's the deal with this whole. Everybody getting $600 thing?
Asked by joshisradd from iPhone | 12 responses -
If FBI director Comey told the truth at the hearing today, it puts him at odds with the Administration. Do you remember Watergate and the last time this sort of thing happened?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 11 responses -
Now that Roe v. Wade is struck down, Can states now legally mandate forced abortions?
Asked by Kraigmo | 14 responses -
When should the US intervene in other countries’ conflicts and when shouldn’t it?
Asked by Demosthenes from iPhone | 14 responses -
Is it time to get rid of the filibuster?
Asked by Zuma | 20 responses