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Will we (the U.S.) ever be able to have a constructive dialogue about commonsense gun legislation?
Asked by syz | 327 responses -
What will you do if the government seriously tries to take our guns away?
Asked by Rangie | 232 responses -
If the Zombie Apocalypse happened, where would you go? Or would you barricade yourself in?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 278 responses -
Why are firearms sold to the public in the States?
Asked by MilkyWay | 110 responses -
Lunatic + Semi-automatic = Mass murder, any questions?
Asked by LostInParadise | 100 responses -
Was this man's leg injured because he failed to protect it with a Bible?
Asked by Seek | 37 responses -
What do you do if your child grows up to be a murderer?
Asked by SamIAm | 11 responses -
Does having a gun in your house make you safer?
Asked by ETpro | 295 responses -
Will we now see more guns on the streets because of today's ruling by the US Supreme Court?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 64 responses -
Does U.S. militarism and nationalism play any role in domestic gun violence?
Asked by thisismyusername | 32 responses -
How or why do firearms advocates feel that everyone should have access to semi-automatic weapons and why would a "regular" person need semi-automatic weapons?
Asked by jca | 147 responses -
Does it bother you to have a child point a toy gun at you?
Asked by Trillian | 43 responses -
If most of the people in the Aurora CO theater were carrying concealed weapons, what do you think would have happened in the Colorado massacre?
Asked by ETpro | 100 responses -
So - if we won't control access to weapons, what will stop the killings?
Asked by janbb | 205 responses -
What does a gunshot wound feel like?
Asked by KrystaElyse | 39 responses -
What actions could we take that would prevent such tragedies as the Newtown school shootings?
Asked by ETpro | 123 responses -
Suggestions for a sleepwalking gun owner?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 41 responses -
Why doesn't mental illness cause more mass shootings in countries other than the United States?
Asked by Irukandji | 22 responses -
What are some "legitimate" reason for a citizens to own firearms with high-volume clips?
Asked by Strauss | 71 responses -
Are we all too prone to point the finger?
Asked by Trillian | 40 responses -
Would it bother you if they took away right to own a gun?
Asked by Frenchfry | 124 responses -
Should teachers get hazard pay?
Asked by janbb | 18 responses -
When was the last time you changed your position regarding something important?
Asked by funkdaddy | 11 responses -
Could a Supreme Court Judge preside in the nude if he so wished?
Asked by jtvoar16 | 22 responses -
Every time I think I can't be more disillusioned, I'm wrong. Did you know about the limits that don't allow the ATF to enforce Federal Law?
Asked by syz | 17 responses