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Why do people keep guns in their home when they know that emotionally unstable people live in the home?
Asked by Judi | 148 responses -
Why do we arm police with lethal weapons?
Asked by longgone | 32 responses -
Why is open carry of firearms so controversial?
Asked by ibstubro | 347 responses -
Despite that higher levels of legal gun ownership correlates with more gun crimes, do you still think that high levels of gun ownership is preferable?
Asked by markferg | 72 responses -
Is anyone else just disgusted with this country's stupid position on guns?
Asked by skfinkel | 17 responses -
Why do you own a gun?
Asked by josie | 24 responses -
Should Donald Trump's gun be taken away?
Asked by filmfann | 34 responses -
What are your thoughts on packing heat (carrying a gun) when working in a high crime area?
Asked by Jude | 101 responses -
Why does society equate firearms with evil?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 52 responses -
What groups are their own worst enemy?
Asked by filmfann | 51 responses -
For all those in other countries - Is your government issuing anything like US stimulus checks as part of a pandemic relief plan?
Asked by JLoon | 8 responses -
Is the NRA for or against legalization of drugs?
Asked by ETpro | 30 responses -
Has the NRA ever condemned a shooting?
Asked by Charles | 18 responses -
Would the world be safer if everyone was required, by law, to own a firearm?
Asked by Arisztid | 122 responses -
Is putting armed guards in schools a good idea?
Asked by flutherother | 65 responses -
Would gun regulation decrease violence across the board?
Asked by RandomGirl | 46 responses -
Is it true that our nation's congress governs motivated by fear?
Asked by ETpro | 16 responses -
The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history just happened. How should we talk about it?
Asked by DominicY | 87 responses -
If we do not want to give up our guns, how do we prevent mass murders like the Arizona massacre?
Asked by janbb | 129 responses -
For those who live in the States, do you keep your doors locked when you're home?
Asked by Jude | 76 responses -
What is revealed by this serious article appearing in a major US newspaper?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 46 responses -
Are there any good stories about guns?
Asked by Berserker | 27 responses -
Why do firearms enthusiasts wear combat clothes when they go on a rampage?
Asked by jaytkay | 15 responses -
Should people who shoot guns in the air in an urban setting be charged with attempted murder, or voluntary manslaughter?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
Are cell phones like a gun the next wild west? Where you disarm at the door?
Asked by talljasperman | 13 responses