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Can any generalisations be made about the psychological reasons for why some people are anorexic whilst others are bulimic?
Asked by nebule | 6 responses -
How do you feel about the current state of the pandemic?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
What, exactly, is addictive about exercise?
Asked by syz | 15 responses -
Do you have health insurance? What do you do if you don't?
Asked by wundayatta | 34 responses -
Anyone else having a tough time during the holiday?
Asked by Jons_Blond | 23 responses -
What is something that you know that now you know it your life is better for it?
Asked by zookeeny | 57 responses -
Why is Covid19 so bad in the states?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 104 responses -
Do you feel as beautiful as others think you are? Can you help me figure out how to do that?
Asked by deni | 27 responses -
I'm thinking about switching and buying all organic products. Does it pay to buy organic?
Asked by Jude | 50 responses -
Should we regulate advertisement of junk food in the same way as cigarettes?
Asked by iamthemob | 49 responses -
(NSFW) How do I help my boyfriend to be able to properly clean his genitals?
Asked by whyigottajoin | 25 responses -
Are you still working because you are considered an essential worker?
Asked by Jons_Blond from iPhone | 54 responses -
How can I help my relatives have a better quality of life?
Asked by Haleth | 9 responses -
Have you had Covid-19?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 36 responses -
(NSFW): Advice for handling a college relationship with no physical component?
Asked by Mariah | 16 responses -
Have you made peace with getting older even though it beats the alternative?
Asked by janbb | 75 responses -
Did you ever rescue a neighbor or a stranger?
Asked by wundayatta | 21 responses -
What do you think about the Supreme Court's decision that there should be no restrictions on religious gatherings?
Asked by janbb | 107 responses -
What is a healthy limit to eating whole prunes?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
The health bill, talked about to death but I still don't understand...
Asked by johnny0313x | 19 responses -
What Was the Most Physically Painful Experience You've Had Thus Far?
Asked by Aster | 78 responses -
What's going on where you live regarding Covid-19?
Asked by JLeslie | 107 responses -
The tragic suicide of Germany's best goalgetter - How can we change the public image of mental disorders?
Asked by mattbrowne | 39 responses -
Why do people fall in love with people they can't have?
Asked by partyrock | 40 responses -
Do you share your feelings with others?
Asked by Kylie | 37 responses