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Any words of wisdom/encouragement/support?
Asked by Cupcake | 31 responses -
Do you think other people would think you have an alcohol problem?
Asked by wundayatta | 28 responses -
How much power do thoughts have?
Asked by Mariah | 13 responses -
Is it really impossible to "snap out of" a truly depressed state?
Asked by ninjacolin | 31 responses -
Is anyone navigating persistent health issues related to COVID?
Asked by Cupcake | 14 responses -
What is the strangest way you have injured yourself?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 30 responses -
If you are against embryonic cell research for moral reasons, but we discover the cure for a disease you or your family member comes down with, will you use the treatment?
Asked by JLeslie | 42 responses -
How to bring up a sensitive subject such as strong female odor to my gf?
Asked by tank | 31 responses -
Do you think Trump was being sarcastic when he was talking about injecting disinfectant during his press meeting?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 49 responses -
Help I have a number of "pending" medical issues (United States)
Asked by HelpMeOmg | 23 responses -
Have you ever wondered about the preservatives that are in the food you eat everyday?
Asked by Xilas | 30 responses -
(Possibly NSFW) Is this boob situation normal?
Asked by MilkyWay | 63 responses -
Just how common is it to have multiple mood and/or personality disorders?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 9 responses -
I haven't pooped in 5 days?
Asked by savvy17 from iPhone | 23 responses -
What else should be avoided while impaired other than drive and operate heavy machinary?
Asked by flo | 40 responses -
Do you have a spiritual practice?
Asked by Jennarae919 | 34 responses -
Are internet friends a symptom of a person hiding from life?
Asked by wundayatta | 20 responses -
What is your opinion of the GOP lifting the mandatory mask mandate in their states?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 41 responses -
What interesting thing have you learned about health recently?
Asked by JLeslie | 32 responses -
It's Crohn's and colitis awareness week. Are you aware of these diseases, and what can be accomplished by having a designated week for awareness?
Asked by Mariah | 20 responses -
Why do people resist taking medication?
Asked by nikipedia | 49 responses -
Have you ever felt alone and want to be alone at the same time?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 8 responses -
How much could one walk without stopping before death or exhaustion claimed them?
Asked by Berserker | 23 responses -
What is the sickest you've ever been?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 48 responses -
Ladies: How does your man (or lady) make you feel better when you're PMSy?
Asked by Seelix | 10 responses