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Young adult with dehydration issues. Is this normal?
Asked by Kokoro | 5 responses -
After painting and subsequent fumes, which would be better in terms of sleeping tonight?
Asked by Just_Justine | 25 responses -
What different angles can I take on a college project about binge drinking?
Asked by dazedandconfused | 9 responses -
What foods are easy to digest?
Asked by curioscamel | 24 responses -
Stretch marks... home remedies or medical solutions?
Asked by Dr_C | 17 responses -
If you throw boiling water on someone who is on fire, will it burn them?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 12 responses -
What are some tips to avoid grazing?
Asked by remambermee | 13 responses -
Would you want to be able to see poop smears?
Asked by SmashTheState | 26 responses -
Why are my upper abs bigger than my lower?
Asked by natalyc | 1 response -
Why do so many people have seizures for no apparent reason?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 24 responses -
Does anyone use an exercise app? Which one is the best?
Asked by nebule | 7 responses -
Is it safe for me to exercise again?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 11 responses -
Is it healthy to do exercise for a few days then stop the next day then go again?
Asked by BBawlight | 6 responses -
Is there an open ended list, or at least a much longer list similar to the "Dirty Dozen"?
Asked by flo | 9 responses -
How do I possibly express how badly I feel?
Asked by sanchopanza | 11 responses -
Can you catch STDs from a public pool?
Asked by atlantis | 25 responses -
What sorts of problems might a person with an autoimmune disease run into with pregnancy?
Asked by Mariah | 8 responses -
How do I begin giving up sugar?
Asked by jordym84 | 22 responses -
How much bleeding can hemorrhoids cause?
Asked by Mariah | 42 responses -
Care to recommend a good quality corn-free dog food?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 15 responses -
(NSFW) part of my body is numb, any idea why?
Asked by King_Pariah | 8 responses -
How can there be no cure for pigmented parpura?
Asked by chelle21689 | 14 responses -
I had to go to an alternative doctor to find out I had heavy metal poisoning. Why don't conventional doctors test people for this?
Asked by snowberry | 216 responses -
I'm a 23 year old female who's ALWAYS hungry! Help?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 36 responses -
How do you get around and why have you chosen it?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 17 responses