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Why doesn't caffeine help me anymore?
Asked by Nomore_lockout | 6 responses -
(NSFW) part of my body is numb, any idea why?
Asked by King_Pariah | 8 responses -
How can there be no cure for pigmented parpura?
Asked by chelle21689 | 14 responses -
I had to go to an alternative doctor to find out I had heavy metal poisoning. Why don't conventional doctors test people for this?
Asked by snowberry | 216 responses -
Has anyone else ever experienced benzo (Xanax) withdrawal?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 17 responses -
Should Governors have power to decide what measures to take regarding COVID19?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 31 responses -
I'm a 23 year old female who's ALWAYS hungry! Help?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 36 responses -
Do you drink tap water?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 27 responses -
Sometimes I feel weird, like I feel like I am somewhere else?? Why?
Asked by intothevoid | 6 responses -
Why is it necessary to wash your hands after going the bathroom?
Asked by Zag_grad2010 | 8 responses -
Is it dangerous to let your limbs fall asleep?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 10 responses -
Anyone know of any older medicines that are still around but not usually prescribed?
Asked by silky1 | 17 responses -
How do I comfort my sick relative?
Asked by Insomnia | 19 responses -
I have lost my voice for about 2 months now. What could be the cause of this and can I lose it permanantly?
Asked by davenovoice | 17 responses -
How is obesity possible?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 22 responses -
For the guys: What do you think of a woman that you see in the weight room lifting?
Asked by Baddreamer27 | 19 responses -
Laxative tips?
Asked by kb12345 from iPhone | 19 responses -
Is it ok to get a flu shot while you are recovering from a cold?
Asked by silky1 | 8 responses -
How do you get rid of ticks?
Asked by redneckgirl | 14 responses -
Why are children considered deserving of protections that other weak or powerless individuals do not get?
Asked by wundayatta | 13 responses -
Am I doomed forever as far as hormonal birth control goes?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 12 responses -
How is the tap water in San Francisco - is it safe to drink from the sink?
Asked by SamIAm | 14 responses -
How long did it take to you, or people you heard about, to start liking the taste of salt free food?
Asked by flo | 52 responses -
Can you catch STDs from a public pool?
Asked by atlantis | 25 responses -
What sorts of problems might a person with an autoimmune disease run into with pregnancy?
Asked by Mariah | 8 responses