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What will happen if i have too much milk everyday?
Asked by stephen | 22 responses -
Are there any good fitness clubs in northwest Philadelphia for 30-somethings?
Asked by marin_richeson | 10 responses -
When I wake up in the morning, why do I feel like I smoked 10 packs of cigarettes?
Asked by spendy | 36 responses -
Etymotic ER20BP or Hearos High Fidelity ear plugs?
Asked by sumul | 3 responses -
What are some starches without refined sugars?
Asked by Supergirl | 10 responses -
Are there any good websites for health questions?
Asked by jtvoar16 from iPhone | 8 responses -
It seems to me my 3.5 year old son drools a lot. Anyone else have this issue?
Asked by rzmustang from iPhone | 6 responses -
Injecting fat?
Asked by afghanmoose from iPhone | 4 responses -
Why do I itch when I run?
Asked by irishcurls from iPhone | 13 responses -
Are egg whites good for you?
Asked by eadinad | 13 responses -
How do you get someone to wear their glasses?
Asked by Adina1968 | 28 responses -
Does a spoonful of sugar REALLY make the medicine go down?
Asked by shockvalue | 17 responses -
Best work out routine?
Asked by johnny0313x | 11 responses -
Ear candals, do they work?
Asked by jegonza89 from iPhone | 6 responses -
How do I know if I have broken a small toe?
Asked by steelmarket | 19 responses -
To 'Master Cleanse" or not?
Asked by peedub | 10 responses -
I broke a rib a few years. It healed without any intervention. Same rib broke again the other night.
Asked by jrpowell | 16 responses -
Help!!! Knee pain...
Asked by Kiwano from iPhone | 9 responses -
Go to the doctor or will it heal on its own?
Asked by skgskgskg22 | 12 responses -
Is there anything in the product 5-hour Energy that would cause a urine drug test to come up positive?
Asked by deepseas72 | 6 responses -
Anyone have any idea how much it costs to get rotator cuff replacement surgery?
Asked by Captain_Tetanus | 6 responses -
Are avacados good for you?
Asked by hurleygrlblink | 19 responses -
Do you subscribe to the "food is fuel" school of thought?
Asked by squirbel from iPhone | 8 responses -
What is a good meal to eat before playing a sport that will keep my stomach settled?
Asked by Fallstand from iPhone | 12 responses -
Are our inside organs as different as our outside body structure?
Asked by RedmannX5 from iPhone | 14 responses