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Can a habanero pepper (chili) burn holes in your stomach?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 11 responses -
Asked by Elumas from iPhone | 18 responses -
Food for the week prior to running a race?
Asked by kimberly | 5 responses -
What possible joint do I have in my shin?
Asked by andrew | 8 responses -
How can I help my parents adopt a healthier diet?
Asked by jz1220 | 5 responses -
Can someone be 100% healthy?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 6 responses -
What is the average width of a human's big toe?
Asked by youknowconnor from iPhone | 13 responses -
Do you wiggle your feet when lying in bed before falling asleep?
Asked by purephase from iPhone | 18 responses -
Any suggestion for deep acne scars?
Asked by johnny0313x from iPhone | 21 responses -
Whats the difference between trans fat and saturated fat?
Asked by cd7301 from iPhone | 2 responses -
I tweaked the muscles in my neck/upper back. Do I apply heat or cold?
Asked by occ | 10 responses -
Anyone have any good remedies for upset stomach due to pregnancy?
Asked by rzmustang from iPhone | 5 responses -
How should I work out if I want to get ripped fast?
Asked by Truet from iPhone | 5 responses -
What causes Knee Pain? What is the best method of reducing/eliminating it?
Asked by anonyjelly16 | 5 responses -
Do Asians have more dental problems?
Asked by Poser | 4 responses -
Why do we itch ?
Asked by Lushum from iPhone | 6 responses -
Will it be okay to jump in the lake even thought i just got my ear pierced a day ago?
Asked by skgskgskg22 | 9 responses -
What purpose does hibiscus serve in most herbal teas?
Asked by deepseas72 from iPhone | 1 response -
What percentage of babies are born on their due date and how accurate is the due date anyway?
Asked by emilyrose | 9 responses -
How many times can you safely give blood in a year?
Asked by isb3 | 3 responses -
What are causes of hip pain other than injury?
Asked by isb3 | 2 responses -
Can someone tell me of an easy remedy for brainfreeze?
Asked by cabrmario from iPhone | 11 responses -
Are humans able to digest poppyseeds?
Asked by skwerl88 | 5 responses -
Why is vernors good for your stomach?
Asked by topserb96 from iPhone | 1 response -
Are there homeopathic analogs to antibiotics?
Asked by andrew | 14 responses