justice system
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Do you believe Leslie Van Houten, former Manson family member convicted in the killings of Rosemary and Leno LaBianca, should be granted parole after 47 years in prison? [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
Do you believe that "juveniles convicted of even the most heinous crimes must be treated differently than adults" [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
Is afluenza a real thing?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 19 responses -
If a 14 yo girl is raped in a school bathroom on the advice of a teacher, is it enough for the court to say that the circumstances "will hopefully never again be repeated" [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
Can you explain, in simple terms, the judiciary system of Alabama that allows Roy Moore to be removed as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary in 2003, and yet run for, and regain, the Chief Justice position 10 years later in 2012?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Is there a difference between a sexual assault and rape?
Asked by 2TFX | 5 responses -
What would happen if the death penalty was optional for anyone of sound mind facing an extended prison sentence?
Asked by ibstubro | 26 responses -
The perfect punishment? (Role play).
Asked by Luiveton | 24 responses -
Should this man be released from prison?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 83 responses -
Do you think these type of prisons would decrease recidivism rates in the United States?
Asked by Paradox25 | 18 responses -
Why not execute by OD on one's drug of choice?
Asked by ETpro | 80 responses -
Why is it that the defence lawyer has to defend you to the best of his ability?
Asked by flo | 23 responses -
Is justice a luxury?
Asked by Strauss | 2 responses -
Thoughts on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman verdict?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 330 responses -
Is this craziness?
Asked by Paradox25 | 21 responses -
Should children be tried as adults, and if so, what's the youngest?
Asked by jca | 19 responses -
What would make our society more "just?"?
Asked by rawrgrr | 15 responses -
Hypothetically, if one wanted to speed excessively while on a road trip, where would the best places be?
Asked by Blackberry | 15 responses -
For people who are interested in the law, can you help me understand the Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act?
Asked by GoldieAV16 | 4 responses -
What percentage of people executed are innocent?
Asked by Blackberry | 9 responses -
What is the consequence if any for a CA resident who doesn't complete the community service they've been sentenced to by their deadline?
Asked by guywithanaccountnow | 8 responses -
Where is the question about the 4 year old causing the death of an elderly woman with his tricycle?
Asked by flo | 4 responses -
Will they get Justice Thomas this time?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
A Family Law Judge caught on tape beating his daughter.....What should happen to him?
Asked by Blackberry | 162 responses -
Have you ever sat on a jury and what was your experience like?
Asked by Bellatrix | 17 responses