justice system
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Why shouldn't it be, or isn't it, an eye for an eye?
Asked by Jellie | 21 responses -
How does the state select people to get jury duty notices?
Asked by Allie | 13 responses -
Are some of the sentences being handed out to UK rioters too severe or does the fact the crimes were committed during the riots justify the stiffer sentences?
Asked by RareDenver | 33 responses -
What would happen if you stabbed your children to death, pleaded "not guilty", and tried not to pay for their funeral costs?
Asked by flo | 20 responses -
If a person is convicted of a brutal crime why is it cruel and unusual punishment to do to them what they did to the victim?
Asked by NightStalker | 28 responses -
What do you think about this? Isn't it ridiculously unfair?
Asked by Jellie | 28 responses -
You're a defense lawyer, you're fairly certain that your client is guilty of murder, yet, you do all that you can to get him or her off, how can you live with yourself?
Asked by Jude | 43 responses -
Should Harold Camper be returning all the money to the people who gave it away or gave it to him?
Asked by flo | 24 responses -
What does a prosecutor do?
Asked by _fonzo | 6 responses -
If a guy has a three month old son and the girlfriend won't let him see the child, is there anything he can do to gain visitation rights? If so, what steps need to be taken?
Asked by joy20 | 20 responses -
Does jailing a homeless man for begging solve anything?
Asked by RareDenver | 52 responses -
Is it illegal to pass out jury nullification paraphernalia on the courthouse steps?
Asked by LiekOmg1100 | 20 responses -
Are you already on the DO NOT CALL list to keep telemarketers from calling you your cellphone...?
Asked by flo | 7 responses -
Why is free will important to you?
Asked by nikipedia | 48 responses -
How do I report a bug to Gmail?
Asked by flo | 2 responses -
In your country, under what circumstances would a soldier, or any government employee, lose his pension?
Asked by flo | 7 responses -
Big businesses actually get away with murder. Should some of these people face the death penalty?
Asked by Pandora | 16 responses -
Do you think the death penalty has a place in todays society?
Asked by RareDenver | 61 responses -
Can you tell me why Warren Anderson hasn't been extradited to India?
Asked by Mat74UK | 6 responses -
What should be the nature of our penal system?
Asked by JeffVader | 35 responses -
What part of the world can I move to where there is the most amount of JUSTICE?
Asked by windex | 25 responses -
Can a victim witness prosecuter ever have their affidavit & court records sealed because of personal information?
Asked by VisionaryAdvait | 3 responses -
I put my friend in jail for robbery, but how do I drop charges because they do have undiagnosed mental issues?
Asked by VisionaryAdvait | 17 responses -
How would you have reacted? (read details)
Asked by trailsillustrated | 93 responses -
What do you think of the trend toward people being released from prison due to new DNA evidence?
Asked by SABOTEUR | 14 responses