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If you go poop right before you get in the shower, do you still wipe? If so, why?
Asked by Sakata | 58 responses -
For those of you who are currently attending or plan to attend college, do you find it a little discouraging to hear people say how pointless their degree was?
Asked by Kelly27 | 40 responses -
What is your thought of high school drop outs ?
Asked by kayysamm | 36 responses -
Has this been you? You're normally a confident person, then something happens in your life and it shakes your confidence (temporarily). It hits you pretty hard and you have to build yourself back up again (maybe, through self talk)?
Asked by Jude | 33 responses -
Is it worth it to get attached to someone that you know you can't be with?
Asked by nromstadt | 22 responses -
Was your passion something you chose or something that was urged upon you?
Asked by wundayatta | 35 responses -
What would be different if Hitler was destroyed at birth?
Asked by AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA | 22 responses -
Are you misunderstood more often on the internet or in "real life"?
Asked by Dansedescygnes | 50 responses -
Is this competely unreasonable of me?
Asked by aneedleinthehayy | 43 responses -
Do you think of what you did during the day while you're laying in your bed trying to fall asleep?
Asked by 2late2be from iPhone | 18 responses -
What specific event(s) nudged you towards a better understanding of your purpose?
Asked by wundayatta | 31 responses -
Could someone please explain to me why it is, after having politely turned down the romantic advances of a person who really cares and thinks the world of you, that they then turn around and talk shit about you?
Asked by Jude | 14 responses -
Ever have one of those days where you want to be left alone? What are usually your reasons as to why?
Asked by Jude | 15 responses -
When you are in that half-asleep state, what great thoughts have you thunk?
Asked by wundayatta | 34 responses -
How do you handle (school) stress?
Asked by MindErrantry | 16 responses -
What was the last thing you experienced for the first time?
Asked by Master | 33 responses -
How should I deal with people?
Asked by ShauneP82 | 11 responses -
What is man’s greatest invention?
Asked by GAMBIT | 74 responses -
How do you know when you're settling (relationships)?
Asked by Jude | 29 responses -
Do you think if people get married for the wrong reasons, it will ultimately end at some point?
Asked by chicadelplaya | 33 responses -
How would Fluther have made a difference in your life during high school?
Asked by aviona | 14 responses -
How Can I Overcome Absent Mindedness?
Asked by drClaw | 25 responses -
What are examples of errands in the public space that don't involve spending money?
Asked by judyprays | 27 responses -
Do women conspire in encouraging others to see them as sex objects?
Asked by wundayatta | 46 responses -
What am I? Chopped liver?
Asked by wundayatta | 36 responses