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Can someone explain the difference between Judism and Catholicism to me?
Asked by sevenfourteen | 92 responses -
Why is it for some, that we want what we can't have?
Asked by Jude | 29 responses -
What does happiness mean to you?
Asked by knischol | 10 responses -
What are your answers to James Lipton's famous questions?
Asked by ubersiren | 89 responses -
Have you ever gotten to the point to where you had to cut someone out of your life?
Asked by Jude | 79 responses -
If you could do one major renovation or home project what would it be?
Asked by Kelly27 | 61 responses -
Could you describe in detail some small action that you do every day?
Asked by wundayatta | 44 responses -
What do you think of love relations between people having a high age difference, especially when the man is younger?
Asked by sultral | 28 responses -
What would happen if all creatures returned to the oceans?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 63 responses -
Do men get depressed if they are out of work for an extended period of time?
Asked by aneedleinthehayy | 27 responses -
How important is music in your life?
Asked by GAMBIT | 17 responses -
Thinking about my ex-girlfriend is simply killing me, need some help. Seriously.
Asked by qashqai | 23 responses -
Do you ever go through the express lane at the grocery store and have more than the 10 item limit?
Asked by Kelly27 | 52 responses -
Do you think if assisted suicide was legal in the US the elderly would feel pressured to end their life to save others the expense of them being alive?
Asked by Kelly27 | 28 responses -
Getting to know Flutherers (Pt. 3) - What are the reasons you have sex?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 53 responses -
Emotional stress, when it's at it's worst; what's one thing that calms you down?
Asked by Jude | 38 responses -
How are you living differently in this struggling global economy?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic from iPhone | 5 responses -
Beyond entertainment, how does music affect your life?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic from iPhone | 11 responses -
How do you successfully create a balance in your life?
Asked by Jude | 16 responses -
What is the easiest way for an urbanite to meditate who lives in noisy cramped quarters?
Asked by Kraken | 30 responses -
Ladies, do you wear sexy lingerie often?
Asked by Kelly27 | 43 responses -
What would be the first (or second) thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Asked by KalWest | 29 responses -
Wouldn't be better to stay inside the closet and peep the outside world through the keyhole?
Asked by Maldadpermanente | 18 responses -
Tell us something great that happened to you today.
Asked by SuperMouse | 827 responses -
If when you die, would you like to be frozen to hopefully be revived in the future?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 23 responses