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Given the choice, would you prefer to live in a hot climate, cold climate, seasonal climate (going from very hot to very cold) or something else (please describe)?
Asked by jca | 29 responses -
Which city do you feel is the most overrated? Why?
Asked by skip2mylou | 6 responses -
Can marketing be considered a good career with future?
Asked by cecilia09 | 11 responses -
How competitive are you?
Asked by jca | 21 responses -
If it's not broken, should you fix it?
Asked by ibstubro | 20 responses -
How good are you at slowing down or wasting time?
Asked by Mariah | 37 responses -
What was something that had happened to you for which had no explanation?
Asked by jamesruesch | 9 responses -
What's your morning routine on days when you're off (not working)?
Asked by jca | 13 responses -
What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?
Asked by jamesruesch | 12 responses -
When communicating with a friend, do you prefer text or phone call?
Asked by jca | 19 responses -
Has the weather in your area been really weird lately?
Asked by jca | 5 responses -
If you would be given only 5 things to do the whole 2016, what would they be?
Asked by jamesruesch | 7 responses -
Is it totally crazy to you that at least once a week, here in the US, there's a mass shooting?
Asked by jca | 24 responses -
Do you drink alcoholic beverages when you're home and if so, what and how often?
Asked by jca | 29 responses -
What are some minorly annoying things that people do?
Asked by Berserker | 31 responses -
You find yourself one of the uber rich, where do you think the biggest change will come in your lifestyle?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 21 responses -
How can I learn about the history of everyday life?
Asked by anniereborn | 15 responses -
What would you do with lots of free time?
Asked by anniereborn | 29 responses -
Relief of fatigue?
Asked by Jillybean | 28 responses -
Can you give me some advice or tips on living a more comfortable sedentary lifestyle ?
Asked by talljasperman | 19 responses -
What's the supposed advantage of a driverless robot car?
Asked by Zaku | 29 responses -
Do you see movies in the movie theater very often? What is the last movie you saw in a movie theater?
Asked by jca | 51 responses -
Do you ever think about where you're going to live or what kind of lifestyle you may have when you retire?
Asked by jca | 16 responses -
Do you remove your shoes when you enter the house?
Asked by jca | 33 responses -
What is the most anachronistic [something that belongs to an earlier time] job in America today?
Asked by ibstubro | 36 responses