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Do you mourn the death of retail?
Asked by janbb | 53 responses -
Would you really want to win a billion dollars?
Asked by janbb | 28 responses -
Do you have a desk in your home?
Asked by Jeruba | 21 responses -
Why is an LED downlight getting more and more popular?
Asked by Bella52511 | 8 responses -
Can anyone recommend good ear plugs?
Asked by janbb | 30 responses -
"I'm never going to have to buy another..." what? What do you think you've bought for the last time?
Asked by Jeruba | 18 responses -
Are you "the invisible poor"?
Asked by allisonzhao | 50 responses -
How old were you when you had your first roommate?
Asked by Jeruba | 13 responses -
Have you ever renounced anything?
Asked by Jeruba | 15 responses -
How much do you fight against your natural inclinations (see details)?
Asked by Mariah | 13 responses -
Are you quiet and often live inside your head?
Asked by idream3r | 5 responses -
How was the Summer of 2017 for you?
Asked by jca | 18 responses -
You just won 200 million from the lottery, after taxes. What's your plan for all that money?
Asked by jca | 63 responses -
How to forgive and forget your Past Mistakes?
Asked by idream3r | 6 responses -
What are some job recommendations for people who want to live in extreme isolation?
Asked by Brian_Ghilliotti | 26 responses -
What are you doing for Mothers' Day?
Asked by jca | 15 responses -
Do you have any unorthodox beliefs in what keeps you healthy?
Asked by flutherother | 29 responses -
If there is a Heaven, what would you want to find when you get there?
Asked by jca | 35 responses -
How much are you a part of the community you live in?
Asked by jca | 18 responses -
Can you abandon your city life for farm life?
Asked by Unofficial_Member | 31 responses -
I want to try weed, but I don't smoke. Are there any alternative methods of use?
Asked by Vanzelouiz | 18 responses -
How well do you like your job (all aspects)?
Asked by jca | 20 responses -
Is everything in our lives either a necessity, or a luxury?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 10 responses -
Have you ever been accused of doing something that you didn't do, and if so, what was it and what was the outcome?
Asked by jca | 12 responses -
In what ways are your personality, behavior and traits like your mother, father or other people that raised you?
Asked by jca | 10 responses