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Would you begin a relationship with a man who was almost totally destitute?
Asked by Akua | 29 responses -
Should I break off this long distance relationship before it begins?
Asked by GoWithTheFlow | 34 responses -
Have you ever been in love?
Asked by lemming | 47 responses -
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Asked by Faidle | 32 responses -
I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday and told him why, yet he's messaging me on Facebook saying he's confused?
Asked by Beatrix | 11 responses -
Why does he not make the effort?
Asked by memyselfandi | 8 responses -
Is it really possible to fall in love with a person online?
Asked by MilkyWay | 63 responses -
What are some beautiful love poems you could give me ?
Asked by partyrock | 43 responses -
Can picking someone up or getting picked up ever turn into a serious relationship?
Asked by water_123 | 17 responses -
What attracts you most in girls/boys? (not physically)
Asked by Pk_JoA | 16 responses -
Are you and your SO up front about each other's perceived flaws?
Asked by nikipedia | 27 responses -
[NSFW possibly] Do people who overuse the "F" expletive end up with a degraded view of the act of love?
Asked by ETpro | 79 responses -
What's the #1 question you should never ask your friend who is of the opposite gender?
Asked by derekpaperscissors | 34 responses -
Is it "scary or dangerous" for someone to know that you like them?
Asked by invic | 14 responses -
If you speak a language besides English does it have different words for different types of love?
Asked by aviona | 13 responses -
What are the top 3 things you wanna do before you die?
Asked by cyrusbond from iPhone | 53 responses -
Every day that passes that I am not able too see my daughter feels like my own personal hell. Any advice from the single parents (especially single fathers) of fluther to help me cope?
Asked by Jesus_Ezekial_Jesus | 31 responses -
If my cat meows, does that mean she wants attention or love?
Asked by FlutherBug | 11 responses -
How would you classify a 10 year intimate relationship?
Asked by imagypsytraveler | 31 responses -
When do you know to call it quits?
Asked by Kandy | 9 responses -
"I know you didn't really want me in the first place" How do you answer this?
Asked by rojo | 23 responses -
Has anyone noticed the tribute to Auggie at the top of the page?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 6 responses -
I lied to my online best friend, should I tell him my real age?
Asked by googlemanonyourwindow | 11 responses -
Are we experiencing cold feet or something more serious?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 37 responses -
What's your favorite band?
Asked by pervezt | 28 responses