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"I know you didn't really want me in the first place" How do you answer this?
Asked by rojo | 23 responses -
Has anyone noticed the tribute to Auggie at the top of the page?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 6 responses -
I lied to my online best friend, should I tell him my real age?
Asked by googlemanonyourwindow | 11 responses -
What's your favorite band?
Asked by pervezt | 28 responses -
When do you know to call it quits?
Asked by Kandy | 9 responses -
What did you love about your childhood?
Asked by Luiveton | 35 responses -
How can I help my friend who is heartbroken and refuses to seek help?
Asked by envidula61 | 10 responses -
When is love not enough?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 14 responses -
What would you do in the first 8 hours after you found an email from your spouse to an internet lover?
Asked by wundayatta | 32 responses -
Can people have secret agendas hidden from themselves?
Asked by envidula61 | 20 responses -
Those of you that are divorced, do you think you will ever marry again?
Asked by chyna | 16 responses -
Should I move on?
Asked by helpme7221 | 9 responses -
Why are people so offended and become easily irritable when Christians quote a verse, or say something "religious"?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 71 responses -
Do you sometimes wonder if it's that you're missing the person and (thinking that you still love them).. or it's really about that you're missing the feelings that go along with of being in love?
Asked by Jude | 22 responses -
What are you doing or getting your significant other for Valentine's Day?
Asked by ronski | 27 responses -
What are you thankful for?
Asked by turtlegrrrl | 28 responses -
How far would you go for the person you loved the most?
Asked by jackm | 21 responses -
(NSFW) Sex - How much do you like, how often, and how? What's too much?
Asked by odali | 22 responses -
How soon is too soon to say I love you?
Asked by SmellyBoy | 23 responses -
What are you doing for mother's day?
Asked by delirium | 30 responses -
How soon is too soon?
Asked by SolidusR | 37 responses -
Can sexual thoughts self-perpetuate to induce sexual and physical desire, resulting in an urge such as this....?
Asked by nebule | 14 responses -
Should I give up liking this girl I have a crush on?
Asked by galenmarek888 | 9 responses -
Women, do you like your man to be in charge?
Asked by trudacia from iPhone | 66 responses -
How does it feel to be with someone that "feels like home?"?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 19 responses