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When was the last time you got a surprise in the mail?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 9 responses -
Can someone help me figure out how to enter a London address into Amazon?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 9 responses -
Did you hear about the Statue of Liberty stamp? What should be done?
Asked by filmfann | 12 responses -
What is the best icing to use if you are shipping cookies?
Asked by rangerr | 10 responses -
Are magnets involved in mail delivery?
Asked by filmfann | 22 responses -
Why the heck do people use Outlook Express?
Asked by XOIIO | 15 responses -
Any ideas for a good email signature for a sales person?
Asked by lbus1229 | 4 responses -
Is the postal service still necessary?
Asked by marinelife | 26 responses -
If the USPS was to be phased out entirely who would deliver the mail?
Asked by silky1 | 12 responses -
Did you receive your stimulus check in the mail?
Asked by Jons_Blond from iPhone | 15 responses -
Would Jelly Beans melt if you shipped them?
Asked by pcmonkey from iPhone | 10 responses -
Why did all packages ordered from the same place arrive separately?
Asked by AshlynM | 6 responses -
What exactly does it mean to "archive" an e-mail in GMail?
Asked by Allie | 7 responses -
How do you stop someone from using your mailing address?
Asked by Nimis from iPhone | 10 responses -
When is the last time you sent someone a personal letter or card through the postal service?
Asked by jca | 21 responses -
how do I set up am email account for my iPhone?
Asked by PHASE123 from iPhone | 5 responses -
Recommended "handwritten" fonts?
Asked by jaytkay | 9 responses -
How do I send something "certified mail"?
Asked by occ | 5 responses -
How can I be a mail order husband (details inside)?
Asked by talljasperman | 9 responses -
Can anyone please tell me what is the best way to mail our fresh leaves? (mango guava or papaya leaves) Thanks?
Asked by cburnham47 | 8 responses -
What's the fastest you've ever had something delivered (via mail of some sort)
Asked by tedd | 6 responses -
What to do with someone else's mail that still comes to my house and looks important!?
Asked by Emilyy | 5 responses -
Apartment dwellers - are there people in YOUR building obsessed with knowing "Did the mailman come"?
Asked by SirBailey | 9 responses -
What is the point of the extra four digits on a zip code?
Asked by simone54 | 5 responses -
Do I need to print a shipping label before going to the post office?
Asked by Mariah | 8 responses