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What would cause people to write hate mail to Happy Tree Friends?
Asked by Halliburton_Shill | 17 responses -
Can you purchase international stamps in advance?
Asked by missafantastico | 4 responses -
Is it possible to get read receipts in Mac OsX Mail?
Asked by Dr_C | 1 response -
How long can the post office hold your mail?
Asked by AshlynM | 7 responses -
Will you get stuff you ordered if you put your mail on hold?
Asked by AshlynM | 2 responses -
Ebay question (details inside)?
Asked by Jude | 18 responses -
How to frost cookies that will be mailed?
Asked by pinkparaluies | 8 responses -
Where's my mail?
Asked by hug_of_war from iPhone | 6 responses -
In California must one provide return address when mailing with USPS?
Asked by whitetigress | 16 responses -
What are mail carriers' schedules like?
Asked by janbb | 19 responses -
I'm selling a book through Amazon and I have a question about a specific situation. Can you help (see details)
Asked by SamIAm | 1 response -
How long will it take for my California I.D. card to come in the mail?
Asked by Marchofthefox | 4 responses -
How many stamps do I need for this?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 26 responses -
What is your opinion of delivery drivers who toss packages onto customers' property, instead of walking up and placing package down?
Asked by jca2 | 25 responses -
Do you think the USPS will actually issue a refund for this?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 2 responses -
In trying to sign in AOL mail, does it sometimes ask for "Pseudonyme" and and sometimes instead of the usual "Screen name or name"?
Asked by flo | 2 responses -
What do the meaningless "words" on UPS labels mean?
Asked by lrk | 10 responses -
USPS Mail Advice: How do I get rid of mail of former tenants?
Asked by pleiades | 10 responses -
What are those green mailbox things that aren't really mailboxes and don't even open?
Asked by ava | 4 responses -
What's your take on junk mail from the Trump campaign?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 7 responses -
Do you send out greeting cards for the December holidays Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year?
Asked by jca2 | 12 responses -
How long does 'return to sender' mail take to be returned?
Asked by baseone | 7 responses -
Which shipping option is better for books, UPS or USPS?
Asked by Jeruba | 14 responses -
What can I do about postal mail not being delivered/arriving?
Asked by Syger | 10 responses -
Can I pay for a physical address which has all mail sent to the address scanned and sent to me electronically?
Asked by fluthercensors | 15 responses