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Do you see entertainment as something to pass the time, or do you want it to be something more?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses -
How important is entertainment to you?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses -
What do people mean when they say "Its like being in another world" ?
Asked by ilsf | 7 responses -
What does this dream mean?
Asked by mayratapia_ from iPhone | 9 responses -
Incorrect usage of "draconian"; does it irritate you too?
Asked by whiteroseman | 7 responses -
What is meant by the phrase "Oh, Matron!", when used as an exclamation?
Asked by escapedone7 | 10 responses -
I hate to say it, but can anyone help me interpret these song lyrics?
Asked by Arp | 8 responses -
What is the exact meaning of the word "freak"?
Asked by lessonenglish | 19 responses -
I’m having reoccurring dreams about children that I’ve put up for adoption.
Asked by meagan | 24 responses -
Do you need to see the results of your work? What about your work satisfies you?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
What does the term "Heavy" mean?
Asked by freckles | 19 responses -
Can somebody tell me what this dream means?
Asked by deepdivercwa55m | 15 responses -
Simple debate: Free will or determinism?
Asked by Ame_Evil | 155 responses -
Do dreams really have a meaning?
Asked by Ludy | 30 responses -
Have you ever visited or lived with a Buddhist religious community?
Asked by wundayatta | 12 responses -
What does it mean, to you, for one to be a 'salt of the earth' kind of person?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 46 responses -
How do you value life?
Asked by shpadoinkle_sue | 26 responses -
Is it shallow to like something just because it's tradition?
Asked by ubersiren | 33 responses -
Can you read or make sense of this sentence? - sIt'n ti ewidr ohw alnguaeg cna eb emssde iwht eyt oyu tslil nuderstadn hwta si ebign asdi?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 37 responses -
What do you exactly mean when you say "(S)he rocks"?
Asked by euiseung | 16 responses -
What's the difference between "hobbies" and "leisure time interests"?
Asked by lilikoi | 28 responses -
Are you owed anything just because you were born?
Asked by wundayatta | 69 responses -
If your paper towel could talk, what would it say?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 44 responses -
What makes work meaningful?
Asked by liminal | 37 responses -
What does a face mean? As an omen?
Asked by mbubbles | 17 responses