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What does Valentine's day mean to you?
Asked by SamIAm | 53 responses -
What does this quote mean?
Asked by sillymichelleyoung from iPhone | 16 responses -
What do these lyrics mean?
Asked by Steve_A | 21 responses -
Where can I find that thing I'm looking for?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
Why do we have dreams? Do you believe behind every dream there is a hidden message?
Asked by bitter_sweet_rose | 25 responses -
What does "steal badge" mean?
Asked by caly420 | 7 responses -
What does tooshay mean?
Asked by Cheeseball451 | 20 responses -
Why are so many people jealous in this world?
Asked by chian | 17 responses -
Has there ever been a moment when Art has just come alive for you?
Asked by Sandydog from iPhone | 28 responses -
Is anyone familiar with the song, "Angel of Darkness" by Alex C.? If so, what is it theme or meaning exactly? What is the story behind the song?
Asked by Spinel | 2 responses -
What makes your life meaningful or gives it meaning?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 50 responses -
What would you give up for a chance to be happy?
Asked by wundayatta | 46 responses -
What do we mean when we say, "yes -- no"?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses -
I really like this "claim" :) But I wonder what other people's opinion are to its implication...
Asked by cristina__ | 25 responses -
What does this quotation mean to you?
Asked by cristina__ | 38 responses -
Why are actions louder than words?
Asked by Spinel | 34 responses -
Does anyone know what this symbol means?
Asked by futurelaker88 | 9 responses -
Have I found the meaning of life?
Asked by pizzapie | 47 responses -
How or Who give names a meaning?
Asked by casheroo | 15 responses -
What does it mean to be "stoned" and what's it like?
Asked by brisket | 45 responses -
What are the qualities of true vision?
Asked by Poopy | 6 responses -
What're your thoughts on Absurdism (efforts of humanity to find meaning in the universe ultimately fail)
Asked by Macaulay | 25 responses -
What does this quote mean to you?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 24 responses -
What is the idiom about old age?
Asked by Alana2009 | 19 responses -
Are you diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses?
Asked by wundayatta | 41 responses