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What is so special about "women and children"?
Asked by rebbel | 33 responses -
Ladies:grooming tips for men?
Asked by Hollister0221 from iPhone | 16 responses -
How do you feel about straight men making out with other straight men?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 58 responses -
Domestic violence question. (see inside).
Asked by john65pennington | 19 responses -
Why don't many women/girls approach men/boys?
Asked by th3dream3r | 9 responses -
Farewell metrosexuals, hello menaissance?
Asked by Zen | 81 responses -
What can short men do to prevent heart disease?
Asked by mirifique | 18 responses -
[NSFW] Question regarding reaching high points.
Asked by rebbel | 20 responses -
What's the term for a guy that likes having sex with both females and males but only has an emotional attachment to girls?
Asked by WCUBassBone1 | 33 responses -
Guys: Why would you stand up a girl?
Asked by dogkittycat | 23 responses -
Do you find it easier to open up to members of the opposite sex?
Asked by Joker94 | 14 responses -
Whats the appropriate time to wait after breaking up to get into a new relationship?
Asked by swifflexx3 | 25 responses -
Gender equity or gender war?
Asked by nerfmissile | 18 responses -
Why do we guys get sleepy after sex?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 48 responses -
The "power tie" of the 1990s--now the power "leg cross" of the 2000's?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 17 responses -
Women, how would you feel if a man walked into a woman's restroom because he identified as a woman?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 144 responses -
What would your s/o change about you?
Asked by Headhurts | 42 responses -
With all the debate swirling around, why can't they just make it so that anybody can go in any bathroom they want?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 95 responses -
You never said it after all these years, but what is it about your spouse you cannot stand?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 49 responses -
What to do when you don't like some one for who they are but you love them?
Asked by yoshiboshi | 27 responses -
Why do old men wear their pants higher than younger men?
Asked by yazeed | 21 responses -
(NSFW) What is the strangest thing you have ever found sexually exciting?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 39 responses -
What do you get someone who has everything? everything...
Asked by trailsillustrated | 22 responses -
Do you live with or know of a woman who does not like or appreciate fresh-cut flowers?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 42 responses -
Women: Have you ever been woo-ed over?
Asked by seazen_ | 26 responses