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What do you get someone who has everything? everything...
Asked by trailsillustrated | 22 responses -
Need help picking a gift?
Asked by unbee3 | 4 responses -
(NSFW) What is the strangest thing you have ever found sexually exciting?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 39 responses -
Are men who are chauvinists considered jerks? What is chauvinism? What does it mean to be a chauvinist ?
Asked by partyrock | 37 responses -
Am I doomed to keep sabotaging all of my relationships?
Asked by nromstadt | 8 responses -
Best condom for guys?
Asked by serenade | 6 responses -
Why do men get to do all the chasing and women have to wait to be chased?
Asked by ronski | 50 responses -
In a bar, a man pinches a woman's butt. Should she call the cops? Why or why not?
Asked by jca | 60 responses -
Why are some people so full of themselves?
Asked by kid_africa | 6 responses -
If you become tolerant to a drug dose that mean it still works the same and you just don't notice?
Asked by Eap6389 from iPhone | 35 responses -
Would you date a dancer?
Asked by ashsaintsfan | 6 responses -
My boyfriend started to play playstation 3 while i'm driving, is that normal?
Asked by Sisa | 11 responses -
Are there some things a guy would do if he felt denied?
Asked by naresh28 | 11 responses -
Is it normal when a guy asks what you eat throughout the day?
Asked by WhatThaF | 33 responses -
Where do you keep your love letters (or emails or tweets or texts or whatever)?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
What are the signs that someone is trying to make you break up with them?
Asked by Sophief | 36 responses -
Why don't men carry purses?
Asked by AmWiser | 50 responses -
Why is it that women don't get equal pay as men for doing the same job?
Asked by Dan_Lyons | 21 responses -
Want to share a few details about your haircuts?
Asked by erichw1504 | 43 responses -
Why does adding liquor of some kind to some baked dishes make them taste unique, if the liquor just cooks away?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 14 responses -
Do you follow the same patterns in relationships?
Asked by nikipedia | 14 responses -
Your height?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 68 responses -
What does it mean when I dream about having a sleepover with the person I like?
Asked by hollisterchic687 | 8 responses -
Why do men prefer to shop for meat?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 15 responses -
How do I get my girlfiends to throw a baby shower that is fun for guys too?
Asked by amber | 27 responses