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Does anyone know why Mark Thompson, a weatherman for Fox 11 News, doesn't dance anymore?
Asked by AshlynM | 4 responses -
Are you sick of hearing about the mosque that's proposed to be built near ground zero? What's your take on the story?
Asked by kevbo | 58 responses -
What would be a funny (hilarious) topic for a teen opinion column for our towns newspaper?
Asked by Finley | 17 responses -
What are these marks on this box jellyfish survivor's legs?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 15 responses -
How have our civil liberties been eroded over the last decade or two?
Asked by lilikoi | 25 responses -
How do you make sense out of all the terrible things you read about in the news?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 30 responses -
Could this be the next iPhone?
Asked by Axemusica | 31 responses -
What kind of newspaper is The Telegraph in the UK? How is it regarded?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 8 responses -
I don't understand why celebrity news is so popular. Why do adults care about Angelina Jolie (and other celebrities') private lives?
Asked by Kraigmo | 30 responses -
Can you tell me if my cable company is doing something illegal?
Asked by mrrich724 | 16 responses -
Why are people crying about Ben Rothlisburger not being charged?
Asked by Mikelbf2000 | 25 responses -
If police has the technology to send a signal to a fleeing car to stall it, wouldn't Russians have a technology from their satellite/airplane/base to stall Polish prez plane?
Asked by BabylonFree from iPhone | 28 responses -
Have you ever, in your life, watched the news, following a news teaser, and actually felt satisfied, informed and newly knowleadgeable about the news report's subject?
Asked by Kraigmo | 14 responses -
When providing a citation in an argument, what do you consider a credible source?
Asked by janbb | 48 responses -
Is there a country other than your native country that you know a lot about?
Asked by wundayatta | 40 responses -
Should the mainstream media report on the video covering the accidental murder of the Reuters photographers?
Asked by Kraigmo | 7 responses -
Is it harmful NOT to keep up on current events?
Asked by Lightning | 70 responses -
Should the Popes personal preacher be fired after his recent comments?
Asked by cytonic_horus | 19 responses -
Erykah Badu’s “Window seat” Music video Controversy: Too Much or just a Work of Art?
Asked by SassyPink | 8 responses -
If we stopped making bullets today, how long until we run out?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 31 responses -
Is there a news channel that isn't social network obsessed?
Asked by meagan | 15 responses -
Would you watch GNN?
Asked by rpm_pseud0name | 10 responses -
What do you think of the letter issued by the Pope?
Asked by Trillian | 34 responses -
How is the automotive world as a whole doing currently?
Asked by Fred931 | 29 responses -
Do you have a daily news diet?
Asked by YoH | 13 responses