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Men: Do you really prefer the hot young women news anchors over seasoned old men?
Asked by Kraigmo | 65 responses -
Did anyone hear yesterday's tv news, about a recent online auction of ghosts?
Asked by YoH | 11 responses -
Are the major political parties too worried about helping their party rather then the country?
Asked by Just_some_guy | 28 responses -
How many large earthquakes have happened this year?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 9 responses -
What was your initial reaction to the transit-tunnel beating incident in Seattle?
Asked by drClaw | 14 responses -
Do your local newspeople ever shock you with their moronic statements?
Asked by jealoustome | 11 responses -
Does Abercrombe and Fitch have the right to fire a woman because she refuses to remove her headscarf?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 60 responses -
Why are suicides not reported in the news unless someone gets taken with them?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 16 responses -
Did you know that Russia's Pravda has an online English newspaper? Do you know of any "obscure" or interesting English-language newspapers?
Asked by Zen_Again | 12 responses -
Some questions about WordPress?
Asked by johnny0313x | 7 responses -
Is ignorance bliss?
Asked by Spinel | 19 responses -
What different angles can I take on a college project about binge drinking?
Asked by dazedandconfused | 9 responses -
What will/would/have you done for the Haiti Relief?
Asked by Steve_A | 27 responses -
What is a good 'public issue' that I can focus my 5000 word college class project on?
Asked by dazedandconfused | 15 responses -
Heard any good news lately?
Asked by Zen_Again | 21 responses -
What about the Dominican Republic?
Asked by Ghost_in_the_system | 7 responses -
How do you get a false news story taken down off a website? How do you take legal action against a news organization?
Asked by zina | 11 responses -
What is the strangest, true, news story that you have come across recently?
Asked by Blondesjon | 26 responses -
Is there anything that happens on a regular basis where you live, but the same thing happening in another country is world-wide news?
Asked by Val123 | 11 responses -
What do you miss about the 90's?
Asked by Ansible1 | 83 responses -
Why are hearing so much detail on the latest terror attempt?
Asked by limeaide | 43 responses -
How can we improve the US economy?
Asked by RomanRealtors | 46 responses -
What made 2009 special to you?
Asked by Ailia | 115 responses -
Why do American news networks hardly ever talk about foreign news affairs?
Asked by Timebomb | 34 responses -
Why are we so gripped by the story of the lost Mt. Hood climbers?
Asked by UScitizen | 8 responses