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Do you believe there is a connection of mothers consuming junk food and children being born with ADD?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 17 responses -
How do I make vegetables more palatable?
Asked by Nullo | 27 responses -
Do you know the name of a yellow berry that is supposed to be very healthy?
Asked by flo | 12 responses -
Should schools forbid homemade lunches?
Asked by laureth | 28 responses -
Favorite quick and easy make-at-home breakfast?
Asked by SamIAm | 34 responses -
Nutritional supplement to be taken "three times a day": does that mean three different times across the day?
Asked by marmoset from iPhone | 13 responses -
Is it possible to eat too much Nutella?
Asked by dreamer31 | 21 responses -
What's with doctors just (for the most part) treating symptoms instead of finding the root causes of the issue?
Asked by Facade | 15 responses -
Could my SEVERE itching be caused by a high blood-phosphate level?
Asked by minniemau5 | 3 responses -
Supplements to improve memory and concentration?
Asked by sunrunner | 7 responses -
Do you think we are better off today than our ancient ancestors?
Asked by Hobbes | 81 responses -
What kind of diet is better?
Asked by josrific | 10 responses -
If you were a chef and a registered dietitian (nutritionist), what would you do for work?
Asked by LauratheRockStar | 9 responses -
Wouldn't nutritional counseling benefit EBT users?
Asked by Blueroses | 11 responses -
Did I eat too much today? (trying to improve my eating habits)
Asked by Glow | 12 responses -
Where did all the repugnancy about trans fats and gluten, etc come from?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 21 responses -
Can you recommend nutrition resources online?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 3 responses -
What is a realistic (and healthy) goal/week as far as weight loss goes?
Asked by Jude | 13 responses -
How long can you store dry grains in the pantry?
Asked by Bushjsuz | 2 responses -
How do I convince my friend she is losing weight the wrong way?
Asked by Spidermanrulezzz | 8 responses -
Exercise after eating fattening food... will it make a difference?
Asked by Glow | 14 responses -
Will eating too fast eventually become detrimental in any way?
Asked by jabag11 | 12 responses -
Are dates considered fruit on the new weight watcher points plus system?
Asked by norah | 3 responses -
Is sitting in a dry sauna good for you?
Asked by Baddreamer27 | 5 responses -
Are wheat thins a better choice than potato chips?
Asked by chelle21689 | 26 responses