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What is the best, calorie-rich food for birds in cold climates?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 22 responses -
Experiencing a loss of appetite since coming to college?
Asked by flash74686 | 8 responses -
If it's not "real milk," then what is it?
Asked by jordym84 | 19 responses -
Health foods that actually do the trick?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 13 responses -
What am I supposed to eat to improve my skin?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 8 responses -
Could you help me design a balanced diet with everything the body needs?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 7 responses -
Is anabolic protein a marketing ploy?
Asked by Unbroken | 4 responses -
Is it better to just drink coffee instead of energy drinks?
Asked by Blackberry | 15 responses -
What does it actually mean for something to be nutritious?
Asked by inunsure | 6 responses -
What do you think of the book about the opposite of eating whatever is grown locally?
Asked by flo | 26 responses -
What are the reasons I'm craving lemons and spicy foods lately?
Asked by partyrock from iPhone | 13 responses -
Is there an open ended list, or at least a much longer list similar to the "Dirty Dozen"?
Asked by flo | 9 responses -
How can I get my appetite back?
Asked by jordym84 | 23 responses -
Is there any difference between the pith of a regular orange and GMO orange?
Asked by flo | 8 responses -
What does "organic" mean when it comes to foods?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 18 responses -
Is it possible to make a life- and health-sustaining liquid diet?
Asked by Nullo | 13 responses -
Is it really better to eat before or after you work out?
Asked by InkyAnn | 11 responses -
How did I do on the first day of my new diet?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 23 responses -
Why do some women feel like they have to come up with an excuse or justification for nursing their children long after the kids have started on table foods?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 60 responses -
Do you feed your cat dry food?
Asked by Ayesha from iPhone | 35 responses -
Is it possible to create a three meals a day menu that you could eat every single day?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 10 responses -
Paleo diet and its restrictions.
Asked by lanahopple | 6 responses -
Running/side cramp mystery. Can you elucidate?
Asked by tranquilsea | 14 responses -
Do you believe eating the placenta after giving birth is a beneficial practice for new mothers?
Asked by Bellatrix | 49 responses -
Raw Green Smoothie Recipe without Fruits or low GI fruit...Help? (Details)
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 3 responses