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How deep is the deepest part of the ocean?
Asked by weasy | 5 responses -
Where do seagulls go at night?
Asked by Sandman | 10 responses -
Where is your peaceful place?
Asked by Sweetpea | 21 responses -
What wetsuit brand is the best?
Asked by lanahopple | 5 responses -
I'm going shell collecting - how do I know if it's really not living?
Asked by rowenaz | 6 responses -
What are some unexplored frontiers?
Asked by helkie | 10 responses -
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
Asked by guitargirl93 | 26 responses -
What are good colleges or universities that have an undergrad program in Marine Biology?
Asked by guitargirl93 | 21 responses -
Why do we only eat the adductor muscle in scallops but the entire visceral mass of other bivalves?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 14 responses -
Which do you prefer, deep sea fishing, or river and stream fly fishing?
Asked by truecomedian | 11 responses -
Will the ocean get so salty that it won't be able to support life?
Asked by rowenaz | 14 responses -
Where's the most exotic place you've been?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 18 responses -
Do we need to risk a Gulf type disaster on the West Coast just for cheaper gas?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
Is it safe to swim in the high seas?
Asked by seneca | 8 responses -
Advice for a beach in Mexico?
Asked by Flavio | 12 responses -
What do you know about cargo ships?
Asked by Berserker | 14 responses -
Like water sports much? Like surfing and diving?
Asked by zenele | 23 responses -
Is it unusual that I have zero interest in lying on the beach and soaking up the rays? Tanning on the beach, that is?
Asked by Jude | 26 responses -
What species of Clown Fish is amongst your favorites?
Asked by Kraken | 21 responses -
Are you a boat person?
Asked by lillycoyote | 24 responses -
Where can I find a job helping clean up after the BP Oil spill?
Asked by judochop | 15 responses -
Will the oil spill interfere with my upcoming cruise?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 19 responses -
If there were two moons?...
Asked by WolfFang | 13 responses -
Do pearls wash ashore?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 12 responses -
Have you ever lived on a boat?
Asked by Sophief | 23 responses