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Can anyone help me identify this jellyfish?
Asked by eambos | 7 responses -
If someone lives in a pineapple under the sea, does that pineapple become a yellow submarine?
Asked by simonPARASITE | 15 responses -
If you were given a ship, what would you name it?
Asked by aanuszek1 | 40 responses -
Why do palm trees, particularly on islands always seem to face out to sea?
Asked by asmonet | 15 responses -
Does anybody know anygood informational books on jellyfish?
Asked by Foolaholic | 3 responses -
Would it be semantically correct for me to say I went to the ocean if I'm referring to the Gulf of Mexico?
Asked by robmandu | 7 responses -
How long does it take a raindrop to reach the ocean?
Asked by sarahc | 6 responses -
Why do I hear the sound of the ocean in seashells?
Asked by nayeight from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why is it so windy by the ocean?
Asked by Trustinglife from iPhone | 2 responses -
What's the best thing about Earth Day?
Asked by cityshark | 40 responses -
How long before you can go into the ocean/surf after a pierced nipple?
Asked by caly420 | 6 responses -
Cannonballs of course!
Asked by Perchik | 9 responses -
when is it ok to eat wild mussels in northern california
Asked by isorabins | 6 responses -
what is the most inspiring quote about the ocean of all time?
Asked by kclev from iPhone | 2 responses -
Which is the smallest and shallowest ocean in the world?
Asked by HughBeaver | 1 response -
How long should I wait to swim in the ocean after a pierced ear?
Asked by steveprutz | 2 responses -
Why is a 3.3 foot wave considered a tsunami?
Asked by ava | 7 responses