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Is it better to offer few products if you are starting to sell food products?
Asked by food | 7 responses -
What line of products would you, could you make for Fluther?
Asked by zenzen | 21 responses -
Do you think Apple made a branding mistake when they released the iPod touch?
Asked by richardhenry from iPhone | 12 responses -
What consumer product are you a "fan" of?
Asked by Baggins | 47 responses -
What products do you like at Aldi Supermarkets?
Asked by jca | 13 responses -
What great instructional class project can I present in 7-10 minutes?
Asked by ladyv900 | 11 responses -
What will always need retail stores?
Asked by Hobbes | 24 responses -
Would you switch to another brand if prices of your favorite brand products are increased suddenly?
Asked by imrainmaker | 38 responses -
To what extent is planned obsolescence a reality?
Asked by DominicX | 14 responses -
Ideas for something fun to reverse engineer and take apart?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 10 responses -
Creativity workbook for generating new product ideas?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 2 responses -
What's one disposable thing that you buy and go through a lot of? And something disposable, and it takes forever to run out of this item?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 46 responses -
In your opinion, what is the most well-designed physical consumer product, and why?
Asked by nydweller | 42 responses -
Do you wear visible brand logos on products?
Asked by tinyfaery | 40 responses -
What's the weirdest product name you have ever seen?
Asked by marinelife | 23 responses -
What does "fair trade" mean to you?
Asked by burntbonez | 4 responses -
What's your favorite "As Seen On TV" product?
Asked by ibstubro | 34 responses -
Do any major retailers sell Vernor's ginger ale?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 12 responses -
How can I sell a company my idea for advertising their product?
Asked by girlofscience | 18 responses -
What are your thoughts on this commerical [see details]?
Asked by etignotasanimum | 42 responses -
Are there products/goods that, when they first came out, were not that good in terms of quality, but over time have gotten noticeably much better?
Asked by MRSHINYSHOES | 25 responses -
How to promote YouTube videos?
Asked by JoseB | 6 responses -
Is there any truth to 'Parabens' used in many products?
Asked by partyrock | 6 responses -
Best time to launch an online product for Christmas?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 5 responses -
What are some products that you fondly remember from your childhood?
Asked by Kardamom | 38 responses