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I associate this brand with product x so much - that I could never buy ____ from them?
Asked by zensky | 8 responses -
Are we living in a Nanny State?
Asked by Mat74UK | 25 responses -
Can we talk about women's razors?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 13 responses -
What kind of products should I use for permed hair?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 2 responses -
What should I do with a recently purchased item that has a falsified date of expiration?
Asked by Naturelle20030 | 4 responses -
Product reviews and recommendations (or UN-recommendations)! I'm checking out consumer reports, review sites, etc but thought I'd ask for some personal opinions on some things I'm looking to get.
Asked by zina | 11 responses -
Where can I find out how to make cling on decals?
Asked by Bushape | 4 responses -
Do shampoos and conditioners actually work?
Asked by MindErrantry | 14 responses -
What is your favorite redesign of a logo? Your least favorite?
Asked by Joker94 | 8 responses -
How do I gain shelf space for my nascent product in local retail stores?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 2 responses -
What is the worst car you have ever owned?
Asked by glial | 15 responses -
Have you ever used a single product so long that you had trouble adapting to a replacement?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
Do product names sometimes make you not want to buy something?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 20 responses -
How do you react when you see a new flavor, type or upgrade to an existing product at the store?
Asked by erichw1504 | 23 responses -
Product to keep children off of PS3?
Asked by casheroo | 30 responses -
Are there any examples of companies / products which are successful in USA but not that much in Europe or vice versa?
Asked by imrainmaker | 19 responses -
Have you ever invented and sold something?
Asked by ubersiren | 30 responses -
When you see infomercials or commercials that demonstrate their products and then say something like "All of this is a $60.00 value and you can get if for only $14.99 if you call now!", do you find this suspicious or interesting or possibly misleading in any way?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 32 responses -
What is a useful, small, relatively flat and lightweight object?
Asked by zina | 54 responses -
Has anyone actually used an acne product that worked?
Asked by Mom2BDec2010 | 24 responses -
Could you share your experiences/thoughts on a plastic outdoor shed with steel reinforcements?
Asked by gorillapaws | 7 responses -
What is an item that you want badly, or could not live without?
Asked by mowens | 16 responses -
What can I do to make my hair a little healthier looking?
Asked by KateTheGreat | 8 responses -
Why would a store remove all the self checkout machines?
Asked by flo | 23 responses -
What everyday products do you buy in unusual places?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 5 responses