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How do I work out the area or length of a wire when I only know the resistance/conductance and the length/area?
Asked by Gooood | 2 responses -
What would you like to look at under a microscope?
Asked by Sandydog | 10 responses -
What level of work merits authorship on an academic paper?
Asked by nikipedia | 12 responses -
How can anyone in this day and age of science and technology not believe in evolution?
Asked by Excalibur | 254 responses -
Effects of Grain Orientation in Solar Cells?
Asked by jahono | 9 responses -
Clones vs sentient androids, which do you think you'd live to see 1st?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 40 responses -
The "knots" that are in your back; what are they and what causes them?
Asked by Jude | 7 responses -
What's your Strange Universe example to illustrate Sir Arthur Eddington's quote?
Asked by ETpro | 32 responses -
A bunch of questions about the Solar System?
Asked by LeopardGecko | 27 responses -
Vegetarian in a Star Trek Universe: Okay to eat replicated beef?
Asked by mrentropy | 25 responses -
Can Evolution and Christianity really work as one ideology?
Asked by jangles | 167 responses -
What would mankind and the world be like when the great majority believes there is nothing else after this life?
Asked by Master | 124 responses -
A question to the religious: do your heart and head work together when it comes to your faith?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 20 responses -
Oxygen is very flammable. Hydrogen is even more so. So why doesn't water burn?
Asked by AstroChuck | 45 responses -
Does anybody on here suffer from panic disorder, PTSD, derealization or other anxiety disorders?
Asked by LeopardGecko | 36 responses -
The sun and celestial body impact?
Asked by Futomara | 13 responses -
Why are the electrons in an atom moving around the nucleus?
Asked by Christian95 | 31 responses -
If something is going slow enough, can it go through the earth's atmostphere?
Asked by Zone36 | 24 responses -
Do animals understand different languages?
Asked by troubleinharlem from IM | 28 responses -
Zebras are white with black stripes or black with white stripes?
Asked by Christian95 | 32 responses -
What are some great books about key science topics for a general audience?
Asked by Snarp | 19 responses -
Calculate the best estimate for the conductance G?
Asked by againto | 4 responses -
What's the best sci-fi book you've ever read?
Asked by Christian95 from iPhone | 84 responses -
What site predicts when I can see the Northern Lights?
Asked by LeopardGecko | 18 responses -
Careers in philosopy and schools in Canada?
Asked by talljasperman | 13 responses