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Are you interested in Science ? Do you enjoy learning about Science ?
Asked by philosopher | 16 responses -
How do you balance a cross section in geology?
Asked by ModernEpicurian | 1 response -
Do you think noetic science is a real possibility?
Asked by frigate1985 | 28 responses -
What are some bizarre, unlikely inventions that have been lost to history?
Asked by TexasDude | 65 responses -
What is the best or most influencial gadget of the decade? (besides the iPod or iPhone)
Asked by Ansible1 | 17 responses -
Does eating vaseline help you live longer?
Asked by yagoogaly | 21 responses -
Is red wine good for you?
Asked by Mrgelastic | 16 responses -
So you think 6th sense technology will impact our lives?
Asked by Sebulba | 15 responses -
Are you sad with the way answerbag devolved?
Asked by Sebulba | 120 responses -
What do you think HAARP is being used for?
Asked by butterflykisses | 7 responses -
The evolutionary theory vs. religion...
Asked by eLenaLicious | 69 responses -
When you try to grasp a concept or picture of the universe and the earth hanging like a bauble in space do you feel overwhelmed or dizzy?
Asked by zookeeny | 38 responses -
When you breathe in, does your belly expand, or your chest?
Asked by ragingloli | 54 responses -
You've been shipwrecked! What do you do?
Asked by anon | 32 responses -
The earth is here for us or we are here for the earth?
Asked by zookeeny | 73 responses -
How do you get the 'clicks' out of your neck and shoulders?
Asked by zookeeny | 9 responses -
Are there any research psychologists out there? (with University qualifications)
Asked by Ame_Evil | 8 responses -
How do astronauts pee in zero gravity?
Asked by Christian95 | 17 responses -
Why don't animals get std's?
Asked by jaketheripper | 14 responses -
What do you think about the ability to simulate the creation of art?
Asked by Iclamae | 16 responses -
When someone says to you "It will never work. You will not succeed". How you react?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 28 responses -
How long does helium last in a mylar balloon and does it deflate or stop floating because the helium escapes, or does helium degrade?
Asked by pallen123 | 16 responses -
Why does Science hold the First Law of Thermodynamics so highly when it actually states we could not possibly exist?
Asked by ronsomers | 5 responses -
What caused the spread of monotheism?
Asked by LostInParadise | 47 responses -
Can you become a Veterinarian or a Vet Tech without a strong Science background?
Asked by doxie_chick | 9 responses