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Will my bathtub fall through the ceiling?
Asked by Sweetie26 from iPhone | 6 responses -
Do you lose your attention even when something is of great importance to you?
Asked by wundayatta | 10 responses -
Why do people sing and talk to themselves in the shower?
Asked by sarahjane90 | 25 responses -
Why is the water pressure in my shower getting steadily worse?
Asked by sarahsugs | 8 responses -
Whats with my Border Collie?
Asked by john65pennington | 1 response -
NSFW: Is it wrong for parents to force their child into after-school sports for them to have more "alone time"?
Asked by Cupcake | 26 responses -
Do you have a bath (or shower) ritual?
Asked by marinelife | 40 responses -
Tips on preventing bathroom mirror from fogging up?
Asked by rpm_pseud0name | 20 responses -
I need bath remodeling suggestions.
Asked by galileogirl | 13 responses -
What is it about the shower that acts as such a strong catalyst for good ideas?
Asked by timtrueman | 35 responses -
What is your favorite kind of shower?
Asked by SuperMouse | 61 responses -
Is cleanliness really next to godliness?
Asked by candide | 27 responses -
Mold in caulking around the shower?
Asked by southwestern15 | 6 responses -
Products to fight body acne?
Asked by JesusWasAJewbot | 7 responses -
How come sunburns show worse after a shower or bath?
Asked by Chikipi from iPhone | 12 responses -
Am I cooking myself?
Asked by XOIIO | 8 responses -
Do you have a routine in the shower?
Asked by Marie123 | 17 responses -
Ladies: In which direction to you shave your legs?
Asked by melanie81 | 21 responses -
How can i stop the water that splashes under my clawfoot tub from leaking into the apartment below me?
Asked by seenmaker | 17 responses -
Is it environmentally safe to urinate in the shower?
Asked by uniquenewyork | 19 responses -
When was the best shower of your life? What event/s caused it to be the best?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 30 responses -
Is it now customary to invite strangers to a bridal shower?
Asked by chupacabra | 18 responses -
On average, how often do you shower a week?
Asked by BraveWarrior | 57 responses -
Do liquids (such as the wet nose of a dog) enhance smell?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 15 responses -
When you take a shower do you wash the bottoms of your feet?
Asked by IBERnineD | 39 responses