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When you take a shower, do you get in first, or turn on the shower first?
Asked by rangerr | 33 responses -
Will a permanent pink hair dye still wash out?
Asked by justus2 | 8 responses -
Help/Advice for green hair care? Please see details.
Asked by evegrimm | 22 responses -
Can you remove silicon adhesive from tile?
Asked by sophied | 10 responses -
Why do we wash BATH towels?
Asked by yazeed | 16 responses -
Anyone know of a way to get Permanent Hot Pink hair?
Asked by justus2 | 19 responses -
Will Manic Panic come out in the pool?
Asked by justus2 | 12 responses -
Women: can you give me brand names of good showerhead massagers?
Asked by wildpotato | 6 responses -
Will the perseids meteor shower be viewable through the weekend?
Asked by Theotherkid | 4 responses -
Does shower gel go bad?
Asked by Ansible1 | 6 responses -
Does taking a shower ever get boring?
Asked by TaoSan | 54 responses -
If you go poop right before you get in the shower, do you still wipe? If so, why?
Asked by Sakata | 58 responses -
Why do your hands get wrinkles when your in the shower/bath for too long?
Asked by willbrawn from iPhone | 6 responses -
How often do you shower?
Asked by Kiev749 | 25 responses -
Do you prefer a box shower or a shower curtains?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 20 responses -
Why do we Americans shampoo our hair so much?
Asked by essieness | 28 responses -
Do you shower at night or in the morning? Why?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 24 responses -
Can I take my macbook into the bathroom with me when I shower?
Asked by fireinthepriory | 11 responses -
Shower drain is clogged. Draino doesn't work. What now?
Asked by swingliner | 15 responses -
What body wash will do the moisturizing job?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 12 responses -
How often do you shampoo your hair?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 35 responses -
Gentlemen. Do we find shaving a pleasurable or painful experience?
Asked by cage from IM | 34 responses -
Why more lather some days than others?
Asked by tonedef | 16 responses -
Why do divers hop right into the shower immediately after they dive (this question is a duplicate)?
Asked by andrew | 34 responses -
Why do the divers take a shower after their dive?
Asked by babiturtle36 from iPhone | 10 responses