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Trump compares cop who shoots a man many times in the back to a golfer who misses a putt: How can the President's speech be justified?
Asked by jca2 | 61 responses -
How important is free speech to you?
Asked by Demosthenes from iPhone | 13 responses -
If we don't trust the government to regulate speech, why do we trust corporations?
Asked by Demosthenes | 10 responses -
How much of a threat is "cancel culture"?
Asked by Demosthenes | 27 responses -
How do you feel about Nancy Pelosi ripping up the SOTU speech?
Asked by MakeItSo1701 | 195 responses -
Which punctuation correcting programs are better/best?
Asked by flo | 1 response -
Should Jews be considered a nation?
Asked by Demosthenes | 24 responses -
What's a good way to reply when someone says "Have a blessed day"?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 38 responses -
Do we tend to speak rhythmically when we want to emphasize something?
Asked by LostInParadise | 2 responses -
What is an appropriate way to criticize the policies and actions of the State of Israel and the influence of the Pro-Israel lobby without being antisemitic?
Asked by gorillapaws | 24 responses -
Does being too wordy make one appear insecure? insincere? uncertain? Too willing to please? Anything else undesirable (as this wordy question may even connotate) ?
Asked by Yellowdog | 8 responses -
Will you be joining Jordan Peterson's free-speech-centric social media platform "Thinkspot"?
Asked by Demosthenes | 16 responses -
If you forget all the things you want to say to another person because (s)he's talking for a determined amount of time and you pay attention to him/her, would you still participate in a debate?
Asked by luigirovatti | 8 responses -
What would you tell the world if given the chance to speak at the UN headquarters in NYC?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 19 responses -
What do you make of Trump's decision to postpone the State of the Union speech until after the shutdown?
Asked by LostInParadise | 10 responses -
Can you explain to me the following speech made on "Grand Theft Auto V" (a little background and comments if you click)?
Asked by luigirovatti | 5 responses -
When Is 2019’s state of the union speech?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 6 responses -
Why do people always put YOUR when they mean YOU'RE? Is it that difficult?
Asked by furious_rose | 9 responses -
Are there any online speech to text services that work?
Asked by flutherother | 12 responses -
How free is free speech if corporations can suppress it?
Asked by DominicY | 13 responses -
How much of what you say is meaningless?
Asked by josie | 21 responses -
Would America give ISIS a permit to assemble?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 31 responses -
Have you seen or heard this comment about Trump's voice?
Asked by Jeruba | 13 responses -
Did the Polish people actually say "we want God"?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 8 responses -
What is the most boring speech you have heard?
Asked by imrainmaker | 11 responses