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What is a good argumentative, not TOO serious, topic for a 2 or 3 page essay?
Asked by smile1 | 22 responses -
I have a 22 month old son just says mama, dada, apple,bye bye and hello. Should he be speaking in sentences now?
Asked by kbee1123 | 4 responses -
Would it be possible to make a sub-vocal recording device?
Asked by HungryGuy | 2 responses -
It's 9/11 - You are the White House Press Secretary - what do you say?
Asked by zen_ | 11 responses -
What is your favorite speech from history?
Asked by Hawkeye | 11 responses -
How free is your freedom of speech?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 38 responses -
What causes people to adopt an overused word?
Asked by ETpro | 15 responses -
What is an appropriate response when someone tells you to "take it easy"?
Asked by Frankie | 16 responses -
Help me with Pro Parent Licensing speech. How could it be fair and enforced and Justify costs?
Asked by kutelilkat | 19 responses -
May I have an example of a Freudian slip you have heard?
Asked by AliasTJ | 13 responses -
If your pet could talk (yeah right) what do you imagine they would have to say to you?
Asked by ucme | 22 responses -
Thoughts on future demand for speech language pathologists?
Asked by mirifique | 6 responses -
Most inappropriate speech to give at a wedding would be?
Asked by ucme | 16 responses -
How much is accent influenced by the successful individuals within a language group?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 38 responses -
What are some of the motives of Abraham Lincoln that affected some of his decisions as president and his building to become president?
Asked by AHC898 | 3 responses -
Is there a non-physiological way of distinguishing vowel sounds from consonant sounds?
Asked by LostInParadise | 13 responses -
Have any of you ever heard the phrase "um ver"?
Asked by stevenb from iPhone | 31 responses -
Why does listening to people give me a headache?
Asked by RocketSquid | 6 responses -
Anyone familiar with software for making interactive lessons?
Asked by pallen123 | 5 responses -
What are some good topics to write about for an intercultural speech?
Asked by niks1112 | 6 responses -
How to get over the fear of public speaking?
Asked by niks1112 | 20 responses -
Should South Park's 200th Episode been censored?
Asked by AZByzantium | 14 responses -
Where can I find speech transcripts?
Asked by sotaff14 | 1 response -
Please help me find video and audio of all of Jamie's and Adam's (Mythbusters) public speeches/interviews.
Asked by Zone36 | 1 response -
Does silence connote assent?
Asked by Storms | 20 responses