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What is so (romantically) appealing about "crazy" women?
Asked by icepebbles | 48 responses -
When the weight of the world seems heavy on your shoulders, where do you go to lift those pressures up and send them away?
Asked by SherlockPoems | 112 responses -
How do i learn how to have a healthy relationship when I dont know what that even is?
Asked by youcancallmemoonman | 8 responses -
If you did indeed become a ghost after you died, who or what would you haunt?
Asked by Blondesjon | 74 responses -
(NSFW): Men (or women)....do you prefer to not go down on a woman if she has some hair down there?
Asked by deni | 85 responses -
Why do women in general seem to have such low self esteem?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 46 responses -
What is your take on the current kerfuffle about abortion and birth control?
Asked by SuperMouse | 157 responses -
(NSFW) How easy or difficult would it be to put on a ping pong show ?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 25 responses -
Men, have you ever lost respect or thought differently of a woman if she sleeps with you early on?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 31 responses -
What did you do in order to start the year 2010 on the right foot?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 37 responses -
What do men think of women bellies?
Asked by Just_Justine | 146 responses -
(possibly NSFW) Are there any special protocols for menstruating zookeepers?
Asked by Plucky | 11 responses -
Why do some men have a problem with strong, confident women?
Asked by Jude | 116 responses -
Men: If a woman you love/loved: wife, SO, ex, etc. has had a miscarriage, did anyone ever ask you at the time how you were doing? How you were coping with it?
Asked by lillycoyote | 27 responses -
OK, Mum and Dad are fighting. What to do?
Asked by MilkyWay | 27 responses -
What does it mean when you send a cake to a woman (whom you met once at a party) every 4 months for two years, and she never responds except to eat and enjoy the cake?
Asked by Zaku | 33 responses -
What does "using a penis well" mean?
Asked by wundayatta | 44 responses -
Are women pressured to reject stereotypically feminine things? Is this a problem?
Asked by Mariah | 242 responses -
Have you ever been told you scream like a girl?
Asked by NUNYA | 28 responses -
How can I stop using men and relationships to fill an empty part of me I don't know how to fill ?
Asked by partyrock from iPhone | 51 responses -
What do you think of this situation with my sister?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 95 responses -
What are some advantages seldom noticed that men in American society have that women do not?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 60 responses -
What's the difference between a "personal boundary" and a "putting up a wall"?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 10 responses -
(NSFW) Can you speak sex talk?
Asked by Sophief | 74 responses -
Do you judge people on how they look?
Asked by Kylie | 91 responses