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How do you keep the spice in your relationship/marriage?
Asked by madsmom1030 | 21 responses -
How can I learn to "flirt"? Can someone give me pointers"? Not trashy just, nice & simple?
Asked by NUNYA | 38 responses -
Excuse me, but is Hillary Rosen running for president?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 135 responses -
(NSFW) How do I help my boyfriend to be able to properly clean his genitals?
Asked by whyigottajoin | 25 responses -
Why is someone implying that you resemble the opposite sex and/or gender in 'manner and/or looks' one of the ultimate insults?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 92 responses -
Men: do you ever talk about rape prevention?
Asked by Haleth | 45 responses -
Are there such things as female and male sounds?
Asked by rebbel | 18 responses -
Ladies, gentlemen: Can you give one advice to your other half to make for smoother communications?
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
Why is feminism still relevant? In what ways are women still not equal to men?
Asked by FLgator1289 | 114 responses -
Potential Marriage questions?
Asked by MaturinAubrey | 9 responses -
People who have had an abortion, what are your feelings on it?
Asked by ERH | 27 responses -
Does any one understand why most men don't seem to have the slightest curiosity or interest in the details?
Asked by Val123 | 69 responses -
How old is too old for a woman to have her bra straps showing?
Asked by augustlan | 66 responses -
Do you think men are perceived to be funnier than women? Is a woman with a sense of humour valued as much as a man with the same sense of humour?
Asked by j0ey | 69 responses -
Men: If you found out a 15-year-old girl was sexually attracted to you, would it bother you?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 174 responses -
Tips on females hiking solo?
Asked by Sunshinegirl11 from iPhone | 32 responses -
Do you consider yourself to be one of the 'nice guys' in terms of how you are in relationships? Can you give reasons why or why not?
Asked by nebule | 45 responses -
Why can't I meet a decent sane woman?
Asked by Axemusica | 75 responses -
Why do men have to take the trash out?
Asked by Shippy | 66 responses -
And...I like my men like I like my _______?
Asked by AmWiser | 65 responses -
Why does a person's weight seem to matter more to men than it does to women?
Asked by deaddolly | 49 responses -
She asks "Does this dress make me look fat?". You repsond?
Asked by Arp | 61 responses -
Mature ladies: can we talk about perimenopause?
Asked by tinyfaery | 21 responses -
Have any men lost to women in a traditionally male-dominated activity?
Asked by Nimis from iPhone | 68 responses -
What makes you think your spouse can read your mind?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses