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If your mind were a room, what would it be like?
Asked by AmWiser | 27 responses -
Do you regret not going to college? If you have, was it a waste or time for you, or is it worth it?
Asked by partyrock | 82 responses -
Do you ever have weeks where everything you touch goes wrong?
Asked by Bellatrix | 24 responses -
What the.........Atheists have better lives in the bed now (details)?
Asked by Blackberry | 61 responses -
How do you fly a radio controlled toy helicopter?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 6 responses -
Would you participate in a ”Grinch Santa” exchange or figure it too risky?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 18 responses -
What meat do you usually have for Christmas dinner?
Asked by AshlynM | 36 responses -
When did vodka become the elixir of fashion?
Asked by zensky | 16 responses -
Republicans and conservatives: is there someone, somewhere, that you would really like to see enter the race for President, other than the current candidates?
Asked by lillycoyote | 26 responses -
How much should a DJ make for an evening's work?
Asked by zensky | 23 responses -
(Potentially NSFW) How would you describe an experience (or state) of the utmost pleasure/joy?
Asked by bob_ | 27 responses -
Are you a suspected terrorist (according to the government)
Asked by incendiary_dan | 68 responses -
Ladies (and I guess guys), how do you feel about NON-diamond engagement rings?
Asked by tedd | 68 responses -
A universe within a universe, is it scientifically possible?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 6 responses -
Has anyone heard of blue water to relax for sleep?(details inside)
Asked by Aster | 4 responses -
Was it wrong to pimp my nephew? (If you take this seriously I'll kick your butt)
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 38 responses -
Jellies- I need doggie help.
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 37 responses -
Crafty people: Care to share your craft ideas? What crafts have you tried or done, and how did they turn out?
Asked by jca | 5 responses -
What do you think qualifies you as being an "adult?"?
Asked by verdure | 23 responses -
Should I change my name for publishing purposes?
Asked by linguaphile | 10 responses -
Why does my cat put things in her water bowl?
Asked by annewilliams5 | 12 responses -
What can I get her for her birthday? [Details inside]?
Asked by Tbag | 8 responses -
Do people base their likes/dislikes in food on taste, as they claim, or on color?
Asked by babybadger | 10 responses -
What are some good games to get for my handheld emulator?
Asked by tedd | 3 responses -
Are Danish people really comfortable naked?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 21 responses -
Was good posture the first form of human ettiquette?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 6 responses -
IPad users, how difficult is it to put movies on an iPad?
Asked by tedd | 13 responses -
Do you value formal education?
Asked by nikipedia | 30 responses -
At what age is it healthy for people to start drinking coffee?
Asked by cockswain | 10 responses -
Holiday gifts for 14-17 year old teens?
Asked by Neizvestnaya | 14 responses -
Who is your favourite magnificent bastard?
Asked by SmashTheState | 27 responses -
New Home Delivery Concept. Is it feasible?
Asked by jazmina88 | 24 responses -
Is your spouse your best friend?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 19 responses -
If you 'sponsor a child', what happens to the kid next door?
Asked by MissPoovey | 6 responses -
A question about charity.
Asked by zenele | 26 responses
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